Director Firouzeh Khosrovani is the daughter of a secular father and a devout Muslim mother, co-existing under one roof in Tehran. The Islamic Revolution took place in their home, affecting every corner of their family life.

Background:  Family medicine physicians may encounter a wide variety of conditions, including acute and urgent cases. Considering the limited access to diagnostic investigations in primary care practice, chest X-ray remains the imaging modality of choice. The current study assessed the competency of family medicine residents in the interpretation of chest X-rays for emergency conditions and to compare it with that of diagnostic radiology residents, general practitioners, and medical interns.

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Methods:  An online survey was distributed to 600 physicians, including family medicine residents, medical interns, general practitioners, and diagnostic radiology residents. The study included some background information such as gender, years in practice, training type, interest in pulmonary medicine and diagnostic radiology, and having adequate training on the interpretation of chest X-rays. The survey had 10 chest X-ray cases with brief clinical information. Participants were asked to choose the most likely diagnosis and to rate their degree of confidence in the interpretation of the chest X-ray for each case.

Conclusion:  The competency of family medicine residents in the interpretation of chest X-ray for emergency conditions was far from optimal. The introduction of radiology training courses on emergency conditions seems imperative. Alternatively, the use of tele-radiology in primary healthcare centers should be considered.

Man Ray's birth name was Emmanuel Radnitzky. He was born in South Philadelphia on August 27, 1890.[3][4] He was the eldest child of Russian Jewish immigrants[4] Melach "Max" Radnitzky, a tailor, and Manya "Minnie" Radnitzky (ne Lourie or Luria).[5] He had a brother, Sam, and two sisters, Dorothy "Dora" and Essie (or Elsie),[5] the youngest born in 1897 shortly after they settled at 372 Debevoise St. in the Williamsburg[4] neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. In early 1912, the Radnitzky family changed their surname to Ray. Man Ray's brother chose the surname in reaction to the ethnic discrimination and antisemitism prevalent at the time. Emmanuel, who was called "Manny" as a nickname, changed his first name to Man and gradually began to use Man Ray as his name.[2][6]

Man Ray's father worked in a garment factory and ran a small tailoring business out of the family home. He enlisted his children to assist him from an early age. Man Ray's mother enjoyed designing the family's clothes and inventing patchwork items from scraps of fabric.[2] Man Ray wished to disassociate himself from his family background, but their tailoring left an enduring mark on his art. Mannequins, flat irons, sewing machines, needles, pins, threads, swatches of fabric, and other items related to tailoring appear in almost every medium of his work.[7] Art historians have noted similarities between Ray's collage and painting techniques and styles used for tailoring.[6]

Man Ray displayed artistic and mechanical abilities during childhood. His education at Brooklyn's Boys' High School from 1904 to 1909 provided him with solid grounding in drafting and other basic art techniques. While he attended school, he educated himself with frequent visits to the local art museums, where he studied the works of the Old Masters. After his graduation, Ray was offered a scholarship to study architecture but chose to pursue a career as an artist. Man Ray's parents were disappointed by their son's decision to pursue art, but they agreed to rearrange the family's modest living quarters so that Ray's room could be his studio.[2] The artist remained in the family home over the next four years. During this time, he worked steadily towards becoming a professional painter. Man Ray earned money as a commercial artist and was a technical illustrator at several Manhattan companies.[2][6]

From late 1934 until August 1940, Man Ray was in a relationship with Adrienne Fidelin.[27][28] She was a Guadeloupean dancer and model and she appears in many of his photographs. When Ray fled the Nazi occupation in France, Adrienne chose to stay behind to care for her family.[29] Unlike the artist's other significant muses, Fidelin had until 2022 largely been written out of his life story.[30]

Family medicine physicians may encounter a wide variety of conditions, including acute and urgent cases. Considering the limited access to diagnostic investigations in primary care practice, chest X-ray remains the imaging modality of choice. The current study assessed the competency of family medicine residents in the interpretation of chest X-rays for emergency conditions and to compare it with that of diagnostic radiology residents, general practitioners, and medical interns.

An online survey was distributed to 600 physicians, including family medicine residents, medical interns, general practitioners, and diagnostic radiology residents. The study included some background information such as gender, years in practice, training type, interest in pulmonary medicine and diagnostic radiology, and having adequate training on the interpretation of chest X-rays. The survey had 10 chest X-ray cases with brief clinical information. Participants were asked to choose the most likely diagnosis and to rate their degree of confidence in the interpretation of the chest X-ray for each case.

The competency of family medicine residents in the interpretation of chest X-ray for emergency conditions was far from optimal. The introduction of radiology training courses on emergency conditions seems imperative. Alternatively, the use of tele-radiology in primary healthcare centers should be considered.

Family medicine is a unique specialty because the scope of practice is not limited to a particular age, gender, or organ system. As the first point of contact within the healthcare system, family medicine physicians may encounter a broad spectrum of medical conditions, with different complexities, ranging from minor complaints to life-threatening emergencies. The provision of emergency care for acute and urgent conditions is a pivotal role of family medicine practice. It is estimated that emergency cases constitute approximately 5% of all cases in primary healthcare centers [1]. The primary care centers may not be adequately equipped for proper management of emergency cases [2]. Physicians in primary healthcare centers depend largely on their skills in history taking and physical examination to establish a diagnosis considering limited access to other assessment tools [3].

Most primary healthcare centers may not have access to radiologists for the interpretation of radiographs. Family medicine physicians, therefore, must rely on their own radiologic interpretive skills. Several studies have investigated the agreement rate between family medicine physicians and radiologists and found the discordance rates may be as high as 58.1% [7, 8]. While the majority of this discordance may not cause substantial changes in patient care [8, 9], misinterpretation of chest X-rays of some emergencies could result in serious outcomes [10].

According to the curriculum of the Saudi Board for Family Medicine Program, family medicine residents are expected to master the necessary knowledge and skills for requesting and interpreting chest X-ray images; however, little is known about the competency of family medicine residents in the interpretation of chest X-rays for emergency conditions. It should be pointed out that diagnostic radiology is not given adequate consideration in the undergraduate medical education and graduates may not feel sufficiently prepared for accurate radiological interpretation in medical practice [11].

Therefore, it would be of particular interest to assess the competency of family medicine residents in the interpretation of chest X-rays and to compare diagnostic accuracy and confidence with that of diagnostic radiology residents and physicians who have not undergone a postgraduate training program, including medical interns and general practitioners.

After Ethical Review Board approval, a survey-based cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the competency of family medicine residents in the interpretation of chest X-rays for acute and emergency conditions. The survey was designed using the QuestionPro (Seattle, WA, USA) platform. The survey was anonymous and without a time limit.

The study focused primarily on the family medicine physicians practicing in hospitals in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Diagnostic radiology residents and physicians who have not undergone postgraduate training were included to allow for comparison of results. Most participants were recruited from the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, the affiliated institution of the research investigators, since their contact information was readily available.

This study assessed the competency of family medicine residents in interpreting chest X-ray images of emergency conditions. There was a significant difference in the diagnostic accuracy between family medicine and diagnostic radiology residents. Furthermore, the competency of family medicine residents was comparable to physicians who had not undergone any postgraduate training, including medical interns and general practitioners.

Interestingly, the study showed that the lowest diagnostic accuracy of family medicine residents was in interpreting the case of left lower lobe pneumonia. It should be noted that pneumonia is the most common indication for obtaining a chest X-ray in general practice [4]. A chest X-ray is a valuable tool in the assessment of patients with suspected pneumonia because the clinical presentation alone is not predictive of pneumonia and a chest X-ray substantially reduce the number of misdiagnoses [15]. The low diagnostic accuracy for the interpretation of left lower lobe pneumonia in the present study could be attributable to the subtle abnormality on the frontal chest X-ray; however, the consolidation was clearly evident on the lateral view (Fig. 1). A similar study by Satia et al. [16] showed that lower lobe atelectasis is the least correctly interpreted chest X-ray. Indeed, lower lobe pathology is better evaluated by a lateral view chest X-ray [17]. 17dc91bb1f

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