Radim Lacina

[ˈraɟim ˈlat͡sina]

A psycholinguist in the making

I study how our minds process linguistic focus and other alternative-based phenomena.

My research interests lie in sentence and discourse comprehension, experimental pragmatics, and information structure.

I'm a PhD candidate supervised by Nicole Gotzner and Matthew Husband (secondary). I work as a Research Associate at the SPA Lab at Osnabrück University, funded by the DFG Emmy Noether Programme. I'm also an Associate Member of the ERCEL Lab at Charles University, Prague.

I founded and co-organised The Friday Primes, an informal discussion group for young researchers in psycholinguistics based in Berlin and Potsdam.

I gained my BA in Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics from the University of Oxford (St Hugh's College) in 2019. Later, I studied for an MSc in the Psychology of Language at the University of Edinburgh. 


New preprint out: Lacina, R., Alexandropoulou, S., Ronai, E., & Gotzner, N. (2024, February). Scalar alternative activation in implicature processing: A lexical decision study with antonyms and negation. PsyArXiv.

Visiting academic at Oxford University: I'm currently working with Matt Husband as a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at Oxford University on a study examining the time-course of scalar alternatives in processing. My stay is being supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


Get in touch with me at radim.lacina@uni-osnabrueck.de or follow me on Twitter.

Check out my work on Google Scholar.

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