Word Work/Sorts

Word sorts are a way we learn about our written language by sorting words into different categories, such as spelling and sound patterns.  Every week we work on a new word sort.  The sorts below can be printed and cut apart or you can make your own cards on any paper you have at home! 

Here is a link (http://educationextras.com/WithinWordPatternSorts.html ) where you can access many different sorts. 

These sorts work through PowerPoint. 

How can you help your child with their Words Their Way Activities-

Spelling Conversation- Talk to an adult using each word in your conversation. 

Ask- "How did you sort them? Why did you sort them that way? "

This helps your child understand and remember patterns.

Rhyming Words- Make a list of rhyming words for each of your words. 

Original Story- Write your own creative story using 10-12 of your words. 

Word Processing- Use the computer to type your spelling words in their original categories. You can make it fun by using different fonts, colors and sizes. Glue into your journal.