Directions for Flipgrid:

We know that access to books may be limited at this time, but we would love for you to share about books that you are reading at home! These books may be ones you have in hand or ones you are reading online! You can submit book talks in two ways- you can record a Flipgrid video using the link below or you can send your book recommendation to your Reading teacher by email and they can post your book talk below. 

Your book talk should include:




-A brief summary, but remember to not give away the ending of the book!

-Why you are recommending the book/ why you think others would like the book 

If you have never used Flipgrid before, don’t worry, it is very easy! Use the link below and you can access our Flipgrid. Once you are in the grid you press the big green plus sign and begin recording!

    We can’t wait to hear from you and learn more about what books you are reading!

Flipgrid Link: