Community Prompt Responses


Find your own stage in nature and perform. Perform for the birds. Perform for the trees. Perform for houses.

Submit your creative responses online HERE or email

"Thinking Aloud"

Submission by Dana Clark

The pause in societal pace leaves much room for contemplation. I'm only able to perform to nature from my house with the windows all open though.


"How can you curate your movement for your audience (or yourself) to convey an emotion by using specific body parts. Or similarly, how can you use the camera to curate the experience?"

Submit your creative responses online HERE or email

Submission by Bronwyn Sims


This is a photo of my back in shadow. As a movement artist and devised physical theatre artist it represents the other side of my front side. It also has a voice and many emotions even though you do not hear me as I don't speak in the same way as my front side. Many emotions exist that emerge from behind.

Video Submission by Bronwyn Sims

"I'm curating the audience's experience by use of my camera and environment."

Bronwyn Sims, is an actor, acrobat, choreographer, and educator. For more information on Bronwyn, find her on Facebook and Instagram.


Go on a walk. Locate a tree that calls to you. Notice its characteristics and/or its surrounding environment.
What do you see, hear, smell or feel? Drop into your senses.

Submission by Katie Bachler

This is an old maple we walk by a lot, think it’s a wolf tree from when these were sheep meadows. thinking about how it feels to be rooted in a place for a very long time, just being, and responding to the changes in light and temperature. what grows when we are rooted?

Submission by Amber Paris

This is the Earth Wishtree my family started to honor and dream and resolve toward a better path for this amazing earth!

In coordination with 350 Brattleboro, you can also create an earth Wishtree and use the hashtags #wishtreeforearth and #wishinplace

Prompt - Erica Martin.docx


What are you holding onto? What are you letting go of?

KSC Student Erica Martin created an alternative recipe to an authentic family recipe in response to this prompt.