Chapman Rackaway, Ph.D.

An Academic's Portfolio


Welcome and thank you for visiting my academic portfolio.  My purpose in presenting this site is twofold: First, to provide information about myself and second to provide an example of electronic portfolios for students and colleagues seeking guidance in the process of creating their own.  

I seek, through direct engagement, to build the concept of citizen-leadership among those with whom I teach and work.  A citizen-leader is a contributing member of their community through political participation and creating social capital.  Through active inquiry, leadership skill building, storytelling, and positive listening, I strive to set an example of leading through acts rather than leading though position.  

I encourage you to look around the site to get to know more about me.  I have included a copy of my curriculum vitae below, as well as my contact information and means of connecting with me via social media.  I'm glad you're here and look forward to the continuing conversation.


Chapman Rackaway

Contacting Me:

Contacting References:

Connect with me on social media