"Find Your Magic"



Axe stood for traditional masculinity, conquest, and the power of sex-in-a-can for decades. Today, though, fewer young adult men identify with mass, cookie cutter ideals, and are striving for their own definition of attractiveness.

Axe had an opportunity to throw the juvenile, outdated male grooming category, reconnect with the modern male, and age-up its new product line in one go. Using an insight from the true audience—lovers of men—we empowered men to become the most attractive person possible. Themselves. “Find Your Magic”, is a platform, and integrated campaign, that proves individuality is the new sexy.

Axe has done a 180 in culture. The brand gained over 1,000 major editorial mentions, while positive sentiment rose from 14% to 41% in the weeks following launch. The campaign was one of the most successful organic launches to date, according to Google and Facebook.

Find Your Magic is a platform, and integrated campaign, that proves individuality is the new sexy.

Strategist, 72andSunny Amsterdam, 2015