Mirrœthian Glossary

Mirrœthian Calendar Days

  • Monday

The Mirrœthian day that mirrors the day of Earth's Monday; including sharing the same name.

  • Diensday

The Mirrœthian day that mirrors the day of Earth's Tuesday.

  • Mittwoc

The Mirrœthian day that mirrors the day of Earth's Wednesday.

  • Donnesday

The Mirrœthian day that mirrors the day of Earth's Thursday.

  • Rhettsday

The Mirrœthian day that mirrors the day of Earth's Friday.

  • Samsday

The Mirrœthian day that mirrors the day of Earth's Saturday.

  • Sunday

The Mirrœthian day that mirrors the day of Earth's Sunday; including sharing the same name.

Mirrœthian Calendar Months

  • Jaun'rae

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's January.

  • Faun'rae

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's February. An additional fact about this month is: Contrary to Earth's February, Faun'rae has a consistent 25 days.

  • Marc

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's March.

  • Apoc

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's April. An additional fact about this month is: the twin moons of Mirrœthia begin to come together for the annual double-eclipse of late summer in Auguu'n. During this time of year, the twin moons will occasionally align for a linear eclipse (another unique phenomenon).

  • Maeruu'n

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's May.

  • Juruu'n

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's June.

  • Juluu'n

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's July.

  • Auguu'n

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's August. An additional fact about this month is: the twin moons of Mirrœthia align for a double-eclipse, casing a double-shadow (a unique phenomenon) onto the world below.

  • Sekembar

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's September.

  • Oukembar

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's October

  • Novembar

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's November.

  • Decembar

The Mirrœthian month that mirrors the month of Earth's December. An additional fact about this month is: the twin moons of Mirrœthia are their furthest from each other (opposite sides of the world). During this time of year, the twin moons will occasionally align for a linear eclipse (another unique phenomenon).

Mirrœthian Races & Species

  1. Human

  • Bellesh Humans

These Humans are from the country of Au'Lurbelle. Common traits of these types of humans are reddish hair and greenish eyes (their skin tones range from dark to light, as some Bellesh Humans reside in the harsh desert climate west of the Bellekin Mountains.).

  • Brottesh Humans

These Humans are from the country of Brotterra.

  • Raelleen Humans

These Humans are from the country of RaelleaR.

  • Rekkesh Humans

Rekkesh Humans refers to the human colonies that are from the Dragon Isles of Drakonnus and Dragomeüg.

  • Roondesian Humans

Roondesian Humans refers to the human colonies that are from the Zardia'an Empire of Roondesia and Roondesia Minor.

  1. RouGarou

  2. Raptor

  3. Aquis

  4. Katou

  5. Muug

  6. Daemon

  7. Dragon

  8. Zardia'an

  9. Sarangga

  10. Sen-Manten

  11. Synthesizer

  12. Pak'toi

  13. Mustelle

  14. Merphinn

  15. Khai-Raptoren

The 8 Truths of Modal Magic

In the world of Mirrœthia, there is something known as the Eight Truths of Modal Magic:

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  1. Pyrrhus controls the flow of Auroros

  2. Auroros gives direction to Elektron

  3. Elektron scorches Adamos

  4. Adamos absorbs Neros

  5. Neros dowses Pyrrhus

  6. Phos reproaches the Umbra; likewise, the Umbra consumes Phos

  7. Aether occupies the Nether; likewise, Nether dissipates the Aether into nothingness

  8. Ambrosia guides all that is below; likewise, Null directs all that is above