History Symposium

RaCAS Student Panel 1

Tuesday, May 5, 3-4:15pm

Zoom link: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/96283458965

Host: Bill Wagner


Harrison Sokol, "Trouble with the Trolleys: The Decline of Streetcar Use in Denver, 1919-1950"

Teddy Scott, "A Lady by Footlight: Female Impersonation in Nineteenth-Century Denver"

Matthew Fulford, "Scattering Poverty: Emigration Schemes and London’s Unemployed, 1880-1914"

RaCAS Student Panel 2

Friday, May 8, 3-4:15pm

Session 8: RaCAS Student Panel 2

Zoom link: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/98648239472

Host: Dale Stahl


Liz Campbell, "'For All Races, Colors, Creeds, and Religions': Grace Lobach’s Progressive Spiritualism, 1920-1940"

Matthew Taylor, "Transgressive Politics: Child Welfare Institutions, Politics, and Gender in Progressive Era Denver, 1898-1914"

Raphael Angoulvant, "Out of the Basement: The Denver Art Museum’s Native Arts Collection, 1922-1970"