Is there a way to add a simple HTML button, with some CSS formatting to a Markdown file using Jekyll? I am very new to Jekyll and don't really know my way around it. I would like to make this button link to external URL for a file download.

What you choose will depend on your preferences. The first solution is the simplest if you want to port from or to WordPress. The second one is the true Jekyll way. The third (HTML) just makes sense too. The last one, the markdown way, is the most beautiful (in my opinion), but does not generate a true button.

R Markdown Download Button

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Use the include option (2) that JoostS recommended. Here's more specific info that shows how to incorporate a button using includes with parameters. In your _includes folder, create your button template (e.g., button.html), such as this:

I think I am going to stick to the Markdown editor but see that changes with various Markdown plugins (in the 'Markdown', not the 'Plugin' section in settings) will get lost if I inadvertently change to the WYSIWYG editor (the 'toggle editor' button is very close to the 'toggle editor layout' button)

Tools > options > appearance > advanced will reveal the buttons that will open those css files directly with a small description of each one. Each file also has a header comment explaining which is which but essentially userstyle is for rendered markdown and userchrome is for literally everything else.

Joplin has several internal stylesheets but two have been provided that allow the user to customise the app. Joplin uses its built-in styles but these two files (userchrome.css and userstyle.css) can be used to override those styles. As @Daeraxa explained, userchrome.css allows styling of the app and userstyle.css allows styling of the markdown viewer pane. See the image below.

In Visual Studio Code 1.2.0, I was loving the Markdown preview button in the top-right corner of each editor view, which allowed me to quickly create a live preview of my Markdown document (by clicking the Split View button and then the Preview button).

Now in 1.3.0, the preview button is no longer there, and the release notes make no mention of its removal. The notes do mention a new Open Preview context menu (listed as a workaround below). I also found an open GitHub issue for this problem with no response (yet).

It would be good to have a refresh button that re-reads the Vault directories. I have a web clipper that saves a markdown file to the directory in Dropbox. The only way I have found to get the note to show up in Obsidian is to close and restart the app. As it does not natively refresh upon a new file added.

If I remember it well, in the documentation there were mentions of a markdown syntax to generate buttons, the div and anchor with buttons class. Is this deprecated somehow or just transformed into a even better way than .{button}?

The edit button works by sending tm-edit-tiddler. But that message is defined to replace the current tiddler and it takes only a title as parameter. Unlike tm-new-tiddler which can also take additional fields, like type.

Pluto cells are always Julia code, hiding the md""" parts would break with this design principle.

If adding a button for markdown (as an alternative to Ctrl-M) is beneficial is a matter of taste. I suggest to file an Issue at first in order to discuss it.

Yes! I also like that the code is saved as Julia code. Since you can send the file to someone else and somehow he/she can run it. But things can be more user friendly, and markdown is everywhere in a Pluto notebook. I have made some more progress on this and now one can toggle code/markdown.

As for hiding the md""" and syntax-highlighting markdown, that would be fantastic! I would add markdown keyboard shortcuts and maybe buttons for B and I and such. On the other hand, one nice thing about showing the md""" is that it might show people that they interpolate with $ and that they can use it like other Julia objects, e.g. intro = md"Hello!"

Even though I would love prettier markdown cells, and fully agree that it should be a priority due to a large proportion of Pluto-cells being markdown, I really feel like there are some good points raised in the Observable discussion. So I would like to propose an ida I just had, that I feel has the potential to strike a good middle ground:

I think the main motivation to do this kind of changes is to engage new people, or people with bad memory and a bit lazy as me ! I would like the highlight for markdown, and the shortcut to toggle it was a nice discovery!

On this line, I think markdown editing should be doable at some point from the output instead of the cell itself. One could start a new cell, toggle it to markdown view (which could fold the code by default), and start the cursor in the output of the cell. On that context there could be some buttons and shortcuts in a similar way as for "inline GUI"s, as @fonsp has shown. Reaaally nice feature!!

The copy button by default reads the value filter_none from the icon-font. If youwant to use a custom icon-font, you should either make sure that it has a filter_none iconthat looks like a copy icon, or that you provide your own custom CopyButton component:

From the brief introduction of st.button component, we can not found a parameter to change the text color, background color and appearance of button.

Is there any solution can help us to set an unique button?

There is a scroll bar in the modal popup, but it is inaccessible and unresponsive by my mouse. Not everything is inaccessible, though. The modal popup contains a Close button which I can press and does close the popup, and my user guide does contain hyperlinks that I can successfully click on, too.

I agree that this is the case. Grav has a neat modification of Markdown which has the ability of adding callouts/alerts within Markdown. This would make is possible to have an entire post in a single markdown card (Although I appreciated that this takes away the flexibility afforded by the awesome Ghost editor.).

Creating documents with R Markdown starts with an .Rmd file that contains a combination of markdown (content with simple text formatting) and R code chunks. The .Rmd file is fed to knitr, which executes all of the R code chunks and creates a new markdown (.md) document which includes the R code and its output.

The markdown file generated by knitr is then processed by pandoc which is responsible for creating a finished web page, PDF, MS Word document, slide show, handout, book, dashboard, package vignette or other format.

I'd like people to click this button and be able to download a PDF, but I can't figure it out. (I am not a coder.) Check out the screenshot of what I have right now (which doesn't work) and let me know how to do it please (besides removing the spaces from the PDF title - I will make that change)!

It was a little jarring to see that markdown wasn't supported by default, but then I saw the button. The handy little question mark button for markdown help is good for the newbies who want to learn markdown too. :)

Material for MkDocs provides dedicated styles for primary and secondary buttons that can be added to any link, label or button element. This is especially useful for documents or landing pages with dedicated call-to-actions.

In a CloudWatch dashboard text widget, you can also format a hyperlink to appear as a button. To create a button, use [button:Button text], followed by the full URL in parentheses(( )), as in the following example:

You might be wondering why people use Markdown instead of a WYSIWYG editor. Why write with Markdown when you can press buttons in an interface to format your text? As it turns out, there are several reasons why people use Markdown instead of WYSIWYG editors.

When you write in Markdown, the text is stored in a plaintext file that has an .md or .markdown extension. But then what? How is your Markdown-formatted file converted into HTML or a print-ready document?

Your input to my post has been most valuable and I greatly appreciate your time spent on this. I can now move on to the other buttons which seem slightly more challenging! I may have cause to call on your scrutinizing again if I may?

So far, my workaround is to put the link in manually as markdown code. This is fine for external links. But for internal links (other pages in the project), it is a bit of a pain since it involves figuring out exactly the correct folder and file name for the linked page.

Better yet would be if the Add Link dialogue were smart enough to generate the necessary markdown to insert the link. I doubt this would be hard, and would remove tedious work in authoring markdown pages.

When you click the Knit button in RStudio, it will call the rmarkdown::render() function in a new R session and output a file of the same base name as the input file in the same directory. For example, knitting example.Rmd with the output format html_document will create an output file example.html.

There may be situations in which we want to customize how the document is rendered. For example, perhaps we would like the rendered document to contain the current date, or would like to output the compiled report into a different directory. Although we can achieve these goals by calling rmarkdown::render() (see Section 17.3) with the appropriate output_file argument, it can be inconvenient to have to rely on a custom call to rmarkdown::render() to compile your report.

It is possible to control the behavior of the Knit button by providing the knit field within the YAML frontmatter of your document. The field takes a function with the main argument input (the path to the input Rmd document) and other arguments that are currently ignored. You can either write the source code of the function directly in the knit field, or put the function elsewhere (e.g., in an R package) and call the function in the knit field. If you routinely need the custom knit function, we would recommend that you put it in a package, instead of repeating its source code in every single R Markdown document. 2351a5e196

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