Recovering from psychotronics

This site is all about Healing/recovering from psychotronics(wireless sect/cult brainwashing) - mostly via
mind control/programming(because mindTech is used), brainwashing in the old days - for many many reasons - but the good
old exploitation/opression/(sexual)slavery/psyExperiments/electronic-tortures are usually a goal, in short - abuse of
social/market engineering. Wireless mind programming/control was fully tested in 20th century on anything alive or dead,
altough public doesn't know much about it. When mindTech is covertly abused on individual/mass for exploitation/opression
reasons - it's called remote/wireless terrorism. This thing was used a lot in the past by "soft wire criminals".
Slovenščina: !! osnovno prevedeno v slovenščino zgoraj pod sekcijo SlPrevod !!

If you are in a hurry - a basic info and a must have for any t.i. for self protection.
The basic version of this site is also in pdf book format which can be dowloaded/read also on a smartphone here,
i recommend to first read this small pdf book - optimally on a smartphone - and only then, to check/read this website.
I created a basic TiApp(android application) - for now only description. Download, install, share, share, share.
29.aug is celebration of targeted individuals world day(many many people nowadays).
Here is an T.I. radio station from Targeted Massachussets.
At the same time - this website also represents targeted individuals from Slovenia.

What's here:

Some are having sex as tabu theme - but this site is about destroying tabu myths
about brainwashing and wireless mind control/programming, which also includes other things that not all are talking about,
altough it seems "how's the weather" seems to be much more important to quite some.
Just to be clear - i am not against mind control/programming - but it's worldwide abuse.
After reading this down, one can check Info/tips(with few images) link section or maaaany
books/organisations-worldwide about the subject(,, etc etc typing targeted individual in search box)
and new 2024 T.I. World Day meeting and other movies in A few videos about the subject!
Just for fun - here is a musicVideo: "could this be?" a thing that is making problems in my life?
ha haaa - yes.. in many cases - this is it..
Ideas like this are not bad - since when one is a t.i.- all electronics enhances psychotronics by some degree,
meaning one is easier target and hence - easier irradiated and with that easily chronically exhausted.
Don't forget to check patents about wireless mindTech in links section !!

Simple.. so that spoiled psychopaths get their way of fun.. and?
Reasons differ why someone becomes a t.i., altough many times it's for testing destroying
someone's life via 24hours a day psychophysical tortures - this is what t.i. community knows for a looong time.
Good old exploitation games, easy money, mindControl abusers/idiots expect torturted/suffering people/world
will carry them on their shoulders - while they will mindControl population via sick/sadistic programming of maany people.
Unethical human experiments has a very looong history - some of it you can read it on wikipedia.
Old torture: slaves on ropes or on chains or yeah - Burning witches band.
Modern torture for modern proExploitation business(this is why point on an i - old concentration camps):
can be anyone anywhere: maaaany people have been microchipped explicitly for wireless torture tests
and hooked on wireless ai, which is doing torture instead of them manually.
In simple terms: expecting from bees(most population) to give them all the honey, as simple as that,
so, mainly - this are professional indirect robbers/proExploiters/opressors/tirans/etc.
Abuse of mindControl/programming was(is still) The bigggest sadistic/cruel business in the whole history - altough not all know about this.
Many of this kind of people torture animals just for fun - but do the same with people for easy money,
because "bosses" don't want to get their hands too dirty, a kind of bully-ish type of cult lead by a few morrons that obviously
don't know what they are doing(they do - but... still - primitive as their version of hell...)

Managing the market doesn't mean one has a right to torture eg chickens so that torturers/exploiters would get more eggs.
This is what they are doing the whole time with maaaaany in front of all since the thing is wireless and this is their way of "fun".
The only ones who has a real mental illness are them - most of the ones in mental health hospitals are just their notSuccessfull products.
This is the game they play - of course - it's not hidden. MindControl can be used also for ok things, a crude example would be something
like wireless ai making a fresh healthy food in the garden - not carring about working there for it if one doesn't have time.

Wireless MindControl/MindProgramming proExploiting tiranny has no place in this world, it has already done a 80% damage to
humanity(including wars/concentration camps/lobotomia/"mental-illness"/psychosis-tested-on-people/soldiers/etc - in fact all
"psychological experiments" and unethical human experimentation(on wikipedia) mostly micro/nano-chipping were tests via this,
MindControl is neutral but it can be also a pefect tiran's tool - since when one is wirelessly managed(check down movie and types of mindControl in
Info/Tips section), one can not just say no to someone that is doing a tiranny(mindTerrorEnforcenment like some train dogs) - eg pushing a button
and a victim falls instantly on a floor in pain like a puppet because someone's backNerves have been tortured via wireless mindControl.

What is the motto for mind control/programming abuse?
spoiled psychopaths motto is very easy: systematic abuses/tortures are their way/tools to get what they want - the more method is a "stab in the back" type - the more they'll use it(eg making "corona" to opress/exploit market), with "undetectable" global illegal mind programming business - world became a brainwashed nuthouse where mind control/programming sadistic abusive business(which was fully tested in old concentration camps for nowadays sadistic sport/business) is trying to lead others via covert electronic wireless brainwashing - happening for more that 50years - altough not so obvious to all. This business started primary via(not nowadays) "intelligence agencies"(some of the old sects which have exploited spirituality or a few modern cults).
When some kid goes into school and kill all kids: is a typical mind control/programming example, so yes - it's better than hypnose, in fact - some call it wireless electronic hypnose, altough it can be of course also used for electronic psychophysical tortures(some call it "for security reasons"), via daily psychosomatic tortures - some breaks and the kid/other becomes an indirect murderer(all serial-killers were created this way via mindControlAbuse including hitler and many other indirectly mind controlled dictators, a kind of fun for spoiled psyhopaths, since it's wireless and "undetectable", they have made a looooot of their way of 'fun' on expense of harsh suffering of others).

What is mind control/programming?

it is kinda synthetic telepathy - fully wireless..
Mind control/programming can be used for ok things, eg - one uses this services for specific building - so when a terrorist goes into it
with a bomb to place it somewhere there - wireless ai just reads that one mind and detects an criminal thought - based on that it instantly
freezes/blocks that terrorist thoughts/mind/organism/etc(n.s.a. has this also - officially).

But - this has gone like a fire into spoiled psychopaths hands a long time ago - which some cults/sects ab(normal)uses it for
wireless mind management/exploitation of people/resources/market worldwide(some more some less) for harsh "undetectable"
systematic tortures for neuroCapitalism profit - which mostly means using any mind technology against individuals or sometimes for a smaller genocide("corona").

MindTech sprouted via before warsEra, then wars, then planned old concentration camps(hitler was a product of wirelessly indirect created dictator and
some saw what it can be done - and sadistic business sprouted), hidden "cia/mkUltra" groups, then via modern
the-best-of-wireless-mindControl/programming - Trauma Based Monarch Mind Programming(hitler's tortures were not much compared to that simply
because he did not have tools for it - in fact - he was controlled by such mindTech - one of a many indirectly programmed puppet dictators).
Humanity has gone through a looooot of bullshit because of all this sadistic mindControl tortures circus.
You can read more about it in Links section("there are good books about monarchMindProgramming...").
It's simply misuse of wireless mindTech harsh violence via "managing the market" - because some are stingy/greed as their version of hell.
"Mental illness" business is all based on that(eg - hearing voices/harshPsychosis/histeria/similar is 100% not an mental illness - more in down section).
Making someone "nuts" was from always a known psyTrick to make him/her into an obeying/loyal/don't-speak/isolated slave, this is just nowadays
done via abUse of mindControl - hence soooo many t.i.-s in the world. One totally typical example in monarchMindProgramming is eg
ordering a mindTech cult a planned rape of a few girls - eg in their room via mindControl, destroying memory to that, and then(if they were young girls/boys)
making them "nuts" whole life via wireless mindControl/programming(mindTech) - so that they would not remember and talk about it,
so that that experience would be supressed into that person's subconscious mind(the reason not all t.i.-s - but some have tinnitus).

Some of the mindTech cults have much mooore advanced psychology knowledge that any specialized mental health workers,
altough "dark knowledge" since they do it in action/real-life(they don't just talk about it) - they are eg specialists in supressing rape/other
violence deeeply into subconscious mind, from which usually whole psyche is later created from the ground up(hence the name
Trauma Based Mind Programming - altough in MonarchProgramming much more sophisticated methods are used then just a physical rape).
A physical rape is in proMindTechAbusers kinda motto/symbolism,
since it does not overrule someone just with physical violence - but also psychological - it's an ideal mindTech criminal method.
ProPaedophiles are highly appreciated in their circles.
ProPaedophile is someone that does this for their "job"(planned guarded rapes) and making rapes via 100% mindControled victim(no one can resist this, i
have been for example a thousand times a part of 100% mindControl - it's kinda an uncontrolled epilepsy - altough one walks and is aware of it - but mind is 100% controlled
by external force - mind-control/programming). So - why do you think someone should support this black-commedy assholes? if s/he gets something from them.
Non-pro-paedophile is simply just a regular human toy - indirectly created paedophile - so that mindTech abuser doesn't gets their hands dirty.
They try to impregnate society as much as they can with sadism/sadomasohism, divide-and-rule methods, etc.
Motto is simple: "i get all - you all get 'mental or chronic illness', and i can make you all this in front of you all and hide it from in front of you all",
since it's done wirelessly.
Micro/nano chips(a hair is cca 10um thin - 1 microMeter is of course thinner micro/nano-chip, i have it for example in left ear for tinnitus/'gps'-tracking and elsewhere through the body(don't be surprised - many have at least 20 to 200) from childhood/doing-microwave-tortures-etc). So, micro/nano-chips were a lot used for this, altough this are probably not needed any more since soooo much water has passed doing business with this - radionics for example does not need this, altough nano/micro chips can be nowadays put in almost anywhere: sometimes children are "kidnapped by aliens", put in while asleep by corrupted lovers that are sometimes a part of corrupted cults/sects, in some evolving countries they make parties only to microchip drunk people, corrupted people in general, "special agencies" no matter if you are a kid or not, etc etc. So i call alll of this brainwashing circus also - brainwashing pigsty. It was and it still is, also best payed "job".

Usual-regular/maybe-stubborn mental health workers don't even know what's going on with such mindControl victims(except a few - check book section in Links) since usually both are in the same boat, it's mostly a surface scratch/play of both like in a movie(mental health worker + t.i. what mindTech cults have prepared for them a long time ago) for many so called "doing treatments" targeted individuals by professionals. Altough don't understand me wrong - i 100% encourage an ok wo/man psychologists(not psychiatrists) for at least to talk about it(don't forget to check book under Links section). If that mental health worker denies all about it(i experienced this mostly with psychiatic workers wo/men) - go away, it's 100% under mindTechCult wireless ai treatment not knowing anything about mindTech abuses - nor how mindControl abuse/programming/brainwashing nowadays works.
The trick here psyExploiters wireless ai uses is simply this: trying to use mental health workers to brainwash you with false information not based on research.
Someone suffers 24hours a day as hell abuse of mindControl's simple irradiation of the head(systematic destruction of someone's psyche/life),
not even having the energy to get from bed anymore(chronic tyredness even if one is eg 32 year old), but - proMarketingExploiters have thrown a magic word on the market a long time ago "you have an mental illness/etc".. Do not mix two things: primitiveness and "mental illness"/"disorder".
Don't be an sheepy sheep - meaning a sheep of an brainwashed naive folks :)

What does a T.I. mean?
T.I. or targeted individual is simply someone
that has been sacrified for (harsh) wireless mind control/programming tortures or tests(a lot nowadays),
which are destroying someone's psychophysical health 24hours a day - a perfect crime since it's not seen/obvious.
Sometimes it looks like this, usually when a t.i. is targeted with psyAttack(8+ mind control simptoms at once).
This type of "job" is probably still the best payed on the "black market" and is with us for more that 50years.
There are soft(not so harsh/obvious - maybe just tinnitus) and hard targets(harsher tortures that in old concentration camps).
Many people(not just t.i.-s) that were born under 1984 were microchipped(size less than hair) explicitly for covert tortures by criminal organisations,
i don't know how it is with nowadays kids, but having nonactive microchips one won't know one has them.
A typical hard target t.i. has typical a 2 to 6 layers of microchipping layers(meaning 2 to 6 criminal organisations have microchipped someone usually in childhood("aliens kidnapped a kid" was popular in the past), while drunk, while at some parties, etc - and they all target someone through life via automated wireless ai - one wireless torturing team makes such "tests", the other another and so on - while mental health workers have been in the past mostly brainwashed this are "disorders" or "mental illness" or some other bogus word that has no explanation).

There are a loooot of books(check this out, Links section, amazon here , etc).
And a real hard(not soft - only tinnitus) target with active to almost direct mind control/programming abuse. This is how voice hearers hear "voices" which is wireless NLP - neuroLinguisticProgramming abuse - altough any audio can be played into somoene's head eg from radio station or youtube sound or something else which no one else can hear - proExploiters aka modern gestapos 'pets'(types of people that made old concentration camp) use this to torture others to show 'who's the boss'(nsa has mindControl officially all else is at it is). Second video(scroll down to 'A few videos...') is a good example how terorristic wireless ai manages one's whole head/organism via electronic tortures and with this destroys someone's life),

Again, not done by politics or health people, but by the most corrupted/sadistic/satanic types in the world.
Yes, still the best payed "job" for more than 50years, it's all the primitive corrupted folks together that abuses this,as their way of 'fun'
torture electronic experiments and psycho-energy experiments for neuroCapitalism profit which created a lot of problems in this world, hitler was eg created by mind control/programming abuse as indirect mind controlled dictator since they seems to not want to get their hands dirty with old concentration camps horrors(later torturing psyMethods from there were integrated into marketers proExploiters mindTech), or Great Depression Era were all sadistic mindTech tests/business. This world has gone through a looooot of suffering/torturing/brainwashing because of this.
In short - it looks like some spoiled p-o-r-n-o movies industry(the most sadistic/illegal/torture movies junky) 'boss'(or something similar) somehow
got a mind control into his/hers hands - the rest was, ha haaa.. "people, run for your life!" - it's like one would give a gun to a baby since spoiled psychopaths are childish, it's still so - albeit some don't know where "corona" or harsh "mental illness" or some hard neurological illness comes from, which is abuse of "managing the market" for the most sadistic "business needs"(read: a good old greed/stinginess).

All mind control/programming with time grew into mindTech services(from some of old "intelligence agencies") and was widespread amongs many corruptive people, if one can afford them it can probably still manage to abuse it into someone's favour for "security" reasons. It seems clients of proBrainwashers hate the most to see people happy, since happy people are usually not so dependant, ill, depressive and don't full someone's pocket so much with their own suffering and hard work. Mind control/programming can be of course used for ok things.

A good explanation of t.i.-s that also hear voices?
i found quite good explanation website of tactics/strategies
modern mindControl terrorist use to destroy someone's life - a "national" sport.
Hearing voices is like when one would hear someone else - but much more intimate,
since voices can be by a t.i. heard from outside(like normally would) OR from inside - eg directly in the center of the head, so called 3rdEye, etc.
Hearing voices is 100% not a "mental illness" - but an professional abuse of wirelessNLP(neuroLinguisticProgramming) !!
Animals are manytimes not so badly treated like some humans, simply because it can be done, and there are assholes doing it(check patents in links).
Some children having add/adhd also goes through this horrors of mindControl(eg "attention deficit", have ticks, etc) - which is artificial m.c. inner violence.
Note: voices can be recorder simply by eg regular smartPhone or dictaphones, etc - altough not in full quality, meaning this are not ghosts !!
Manytimes they have also political, sexual, veeery primitive context - etc, like a bully would mistreat someone - but here - wirelessly.
Altough hearing voices by itself would not be much of a problem(some hear them as angels or demons - depend if someone is naive,what faith is it,etc),
problem becomes when a pack of destruction of psyche/organism occurs at the same time - including hearing voices,
meaning - mind programming/control is nowadays veery advanced(it was already more than 50years ago) and works in parallel.
Eg: one is bullied by a stream of voices(also called a voice of God since it "blooms" out of thin air in someone's head). and at the same time in parallel
specific electronic supressive torturing radiations occurs in the head(eg producing an migraine) and maybe more tinnitus and maybe pain anywhere in
the body. Only this 24hours a day(all this is also active when one sleeps) create a total destruction of psyche/health of a t.i. and hell from someone's
life - via forced inner radiation violence. Doing it in parallel is why this sadistic business became soooo succesfull, profesional marketing exploiters
just specialized in professional wireless tortures - that's all.
And that does their exploitative sadistic wireless ai, some call them operators, i call them spoiled psychopaths - since
most do this for easy money - since there are clients that buy this on the "black market".
This was also a looot tested in old concentration camps(of course planned)/mkUltra/monarch-phenix-Project/etc - which is nowadays one of the best payed
sadistic "job" - doing it also on people that would not kill a fly.
A good site explaining hearing voices methods is here.

Reasons for becoming a T.I.?
reasons are different: nonPersonal usually longterm random selection for
abusive mindControlTests(quite a lot of people that are not aware where their hard (neurological)illness is comming from), someone is yealous, someone want's someone properties - in this case mindControl abusers microchips that person and then sell all wireless controls to the best offerer on the black market explicitly to wirelessly torture someone(many are whole life), to deny how illegal business were made(wars/concentration-camps/highClass-bought-rapes/etc business) and destroy any that knows something about it(eg whistle-blowers) and that does not want to cooperate eg being bought with a lot of money, to shut someone up(opressive mind control tiranny), to destroy someone's life via destroying someone's psychophysical health or get-rid-of-someone(making "mental illness" with daily wireless irradiation of the head and psychiatry does the rest - person becomes like an vegetable), revenge, etc etc
Unfortunatelly still in 21th century - this is for some almost a lifetime, this kind of people would certainly need a little help(material/psychological/etc).
Social workers and similar would certainly need a little knowledge refreshment, and there are quite many books about it: one of it is from clinical psychologist Cathy Meadows which can be found eg on Amazon(Hey mom, i am a targeted individual and Surviving and thriving as a targeted individuals). There are also good books about best of MonarchMindProgramming. More in Links section.

A few videos about the subject?
Quick preview is here(watching at least till a person get's that "electronic feeling" while washing the dishes).
Here is a one of 29.Aug.2024 T.I. World Day meetings :)💖
A full movie hard target t.i. about automated mindTech is here(a typical primer how one is mindControlled is at 11:40
while she tries to call for help - mindControl just uses one of the tricks - eg a hard pain in the body). She hears voices - which
is wirelessNLP(neuroLinguisticProgramming) abuse, which is a part of wireless mind control/programming
abuse(similar is how indirect dictators or serial killers were made in the past).
While one is mindControlled so hard - his/her-s psyche and with that with years of such abuse - life gets completelly destroyed,
nervous breakdows are always there or arround the corner.
This is of course not a "mental illness" - which word was only invented for brainwashing to try to make such things look "legal",
so that such people would be psychologicall/socially/otherwise isolated from others/society - because also in regular brainwashing,
being isolated is one of the most important method to exercise abusive/sadistic "dog tricks" on someone.
Old concentration camps were for example all just a test of professional mind programming/control.
The thing is not new - it's there for more than 50 years.

What is mind programming abuse in simple terms?
it's having an individual/group/mass of people wirelessly mind controlled
from the comfort of one's home/elsewhere for mindControl/programming sadistic power games by eg a smartphone for longterm business/opression/exploitation/torture reasons,
kinda a "highclass black market" brainwashing/exploitation thing.
It's one of the most overlooked human rights violations, since it's still used on humanity here and there for longterm wireless guinea pigs "psychological experimeentation" - electronic tortures which are labeled as "disorder/mental-illness" or some neurological disorders. Some play this games to "undetectably" rob other countries something like a trojan horse.

How were any wars/old-concentration camps made with the help of wireless electronic mind control/programming?
quite simple - since some are playing with humanity for a long time, "chicken fights" method is used.
They covertly slowly torture and put people(or politicians) in an argue state of mind and make propaganda...
Since many were not aware that humanity can be controlled by mind control/programming(yes, even nowadays, this is where
chronic illness/"disorders"/bad-luck-by-some/all-problems-in-the-world are comming from) - this is not so hard task.
So, people were just here and there massivelly controlled via wireless mindControl and propaganda, making artificial schizophrenia/psychosis and what is
known by targeted individuals community by a long time - intrusive/enforced thoughts(abusing this on mass of people made a big damage in this world) - to
make people rude and fight kind of state for propaganda psyTricks(psychologicalTricks).
This is how nowadays most hard target t.i.s are treated for social isolation training(enforcing nonappropriate people into someone's life)..
Tyrans/bullys were playing with mindControl from even before 1st world war, wars were just their method to practice sacrifying humanity for their mental illness.
Managing the market VS managing the market explicitly for sadistically torture/use-alive-organism-as-killing-object for exploitation reason
by bullys type of people with a few business morrons that invested in longterm business for crimes against humanty is well - a BIG difference.
"Corona"? totally the same thing - mass irradiated heads via mind control and propaganda used on tv/radio.
METHOD: wars/concentration-camps are made by wireless mindControl to massivelly destroy/train people quickly with terror/fear like some train dogs.
It's something like a plane - it needs quite a lot of fuel when it takes off, but then not much is needed.
This are quite known plans spoiled psychopaths do for their "status-quo" torturing/killing others business(putin is just a puppet,like hitler was).
They enforce powerty and violence in the world here and there, why?
because this way - "their" slave criminals(or even indirect/toy dictators like hitler) can be made by mind control(they of course don't know that).

How are some of best criminals made via mind control?
(by the way - completelly allll known dictators(egHitler) and serial killers(egManson) - were made this way - i know - since i've been/am trained like them amongs maany other t.i.-s who goes 24hours a day through this tortures not visible from outside but from inside - total torturing hell - egMigraine mixed with mild 'psychosis' + tinnitus = of course all artificial thing - something like if one would put a head into the microwave).
Simple, spoiled psychopaths(sometimes non-stage corrupted hypnotists are with them like their "parents" - since hypnotism is their primary business).
so, quite simple.. Regular test subject through life are trained by mindControl and are somewhere thrown into jail by same people that later
offer to rescue them from jail if they would work for them - IF they agree to all their proposals. So i also call this tyrans - mcWeaselsDictators, since
they like to think that all their work is unseen. It's not. So, when a jail wo/man accepts it, it's their criminal slave - this is how their whooole criminal organisation bloomed - via lies - suppressed lies. A few spoiled psyhcopaths are probably still using mind control toys that were "saved" this way. Good bye, so long.

Mind control/programming can be used for ok things, eg - one uses this services for specific building - so when a terrorist goes into it with a bomb
to place it somewhere there - wireless ai just reads that one mind and detects an criminal thought - based on that it instantly freezes/blocks that
terrorist thoughts/mind-activity/organism/etc(n.s.a. has this also - officially).
But - spoiled psychopaths ab(normal)uses it for wireless mind management/exploitation of people/resources/market
worldwide(some more some less) for harsh "undetectable" systematic tortures for neuroCapitalism profit - which mostly means
using any mind technology against individuals or sometimes for a smaller genocide("corona").

MindTech sprouted via the-best-of-wireless-mindControl/programming - Trauma Based Monarch Mind Programming,
you can read more about it in Links section("there are good books about monarchMindProgramming...").

So, if you think that something in this world stinks - you are right,
covert mind programming and ai used on maaany people for 'psychological experiments' stinks - which smells bad probably also onto other galaxies.
If you think you are being paranoid - you can be sure proBrainwashers tricks are at work - making someone 'crazy' wirelessly is their favourite method.
Yes - this is still crooks paradise - mind control abuse is the core of corruption, since there are mind control people and/or services and some can afford to abuse them.

Many got it completelly wrong what is meant by health, personally i don't know anyone that has specter of health completed.
I am not interested if one goes over whole world, the criteria of vital health as it should be is simply this: sleeping a few hours
and get up full of energy without forcing oneself to get up and to do whatever one wishes whole day, let it be usuals stuff, work, project or spiritual practice or sex with strangers or whatever - and still - have some ok energy left at the end of the day, if this is not so - something is seriously wrong that many people overlook, typical nowadays 'unknown' problem. Vital health dictates quality of living and/or ability to have fun without drugs/alcohol, drained or brainwashed or person with disorders won't even know what fun as it should be - is. What's one of the black comedy? people with drained energy try to correct that with drugs/alcohol(i was amongs them cca 20 years ago) - but it doesn't work that way - at least not in the long run.

There was once an documentary on tv: "unusual symptoms" what concerns people being more intensivelly managed/targeted - either t.i.(targeted individuals) or ehs(electro hypersensitive people) and when they went into cave - this unusual symptoms dissapeared. I think that psychotronics/radionics abuse also works better in areas with (non quality) electricity(emf smog) and too much telecommunications(also wifi/etc as electro polution) - because sigint or psychotronics can both use/modify/override signals for "undetectable" modern wireless concentration camp circus. For example: when a voice hearer is listening to the music, suddenly - "voices"(wireless ai manipulations) starts dominating in someone's hearing field(eg through speaker) - voices can be semi-recorded with regular phone. Old psychological knowledge was that this is a part of "psychosis" or some other bogus word to promote "legal" daily psychophisical tortures, altought it is simply in most cases only mind control/programming abuse. Word "mental illness" has a very loooong history of illegal pure tyranic "psychological experiments" business abuses - any kind of isolation(eg social) is a well known brainwashing method - the core of brainwashing via electronic mind control abuse is totally the same(some methods are teached in psychology schools), altough here - automated wireless mind control 24hours a day is doing it - mostly via (harsh) tortures. Some call this "electronic harassment".. Were old concentration camps "electronic harassment"? "hey - they were only going on vacation!" yes, right -  this were all tyranic mind control business tests, for nowadays spoiled psychopaths "fun"/sport, that's why drMengele was with his knowledge deported safely into the hands of such "business investors". Jose Delgado is also a known psychiatric scientist of mind control - altough doing it openly mostly on animals, which nano/micro-chips were later taken out of them(some of videos on ytube).


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