There are two approaches that you can take to present the results in the standard time format (hours : minutes : seconds). You use the subtraction operator (-) to find the difference between times, and then do either of the following:

Before we teach you how to calculate time in Excel, you must understand what time values are in the first place. Time values are the decimal number to which Excel applied a time format to make them look like times (i.e., the hours, minutes, and seconds).

How To Calculate Time Difference In Excel

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To begin with, let's see how you can quickly calculate elapsed time in Excel, i.e. find the difference between a beginning time and an ending time. And as is often the case, there is more than one formula to perform time calculations. Which one to choose depends on your dataset and exactly what result you are trying to achieve. So, let's run through all methods, one at a time.

And now, let's see how our time difference formula and time codes work in real worksheets. With Start times residing in column A and End times in column B, you can copy the following formula in columns C though E:

The elapsed time is displayed differently depending on the time format applied to the column:Note. If the elapsed time is displayed as hash marks (#####), then either a cell with the formula is not wide enough to fit the time or the result of your time calculations is a negative value.Formula 2. Calculating time difference with the TEXT functionAnother simple technique to calculate the duration between two times in Excel is using the TEXT function:

Supposing that your start time is in A2 and end time in B2, you can use a simple equation B2-A2 to calculate the difference between two times, and then multiply it by 24, which is the number of hours in one day:

=(B2-A2)* 86400Note. For the results to display correctly, the General format should be applied to the cells with your time difference formula.Formula 4. Calculate difference in one time unit ignoring othersTo find the difference between 2 times in a certain time unit, ignoring the others, use one of the following functions.

=HOUR(B2-A2)Difference in minutes, ignoring hours and seconds:=MINUTE(B2-A2)Difference in seconds, ignoring hours and minutes:=SECOND(B2-A2)When using Excel's HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND functions, please remember that the result cannot exceed 24 for hours and 60 for minutes and seconds.Note. If the end time is less than the start time (i.e. the result of the formula is a negative number), the #NUM! error is returned.Formula 5. Calculate elapsed time from a start time to nowIn order to calculate how much time has elapsed since the start time to now, you simply use the NOW function to return today's date and the current time, and then subtract the start date and time from it.

=NOW()-A2In case the elapsed time exceeds 24 hours, use one of these time formats, for example d "days" h:mm:ss like in the following screenshot:If your starting points contain only time values without dates, you need to use the TIME function to calculate the elapsed time correctly. For example, the following formula returns the time elapsed since the time value in cell A2 up to now:

=TIME(HOUR(NOW()), MINUTE(NOW()), SECOND(NOW())) - A2Note. The elapsed time is not updated in real-time, it refreshes only when the workbook is reopened or recalculated. To force the formula to update, press either Shift + F9 to recalculate the active spreadsheet or hit F9 to recalculate all open workbooks.Formula 5. Display time difference as "XX days, XX hours, XX minutes and XX seconds"This is probably the most user-friendly formula to calculate time difference in Excel. You use the HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND functions to return corresponding time units and the INT function to compute the difference in days. And then, you concatenate all these functions in a single formula along with the text labels:

=INT(B2-A2) & " days, " & HOUR(B2-A2) & " hours, " & MINUTE(B2-A2) & " minutes and " & SECOND(B2-A2) & " seconds"To instruct your Excel time difference formula to hide zero values, embed four IF functions into it:

The syntax may seem excessively complicated, but it works :)Alternatively, you can calculate time difference by simply subtracting the start time from the end time (e.g. =B2-A2), and then apply the following time format to the cell:

d "days," h "hours," m "minutes and" s "seconds"An advantage of this approach is that your result would be a normal time value that you could use in other time calculations, while the result of the complex formula discussed above is a text value. A drawback is that the custom time format cannot distinguish between zero and non-zero values and ignore the latter. To display the result in other formats, please see How to show time over 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds.

How to calculate and display negative times in ExcelWhen calculating the time difference in Excel, you may sometimes get the result as ###### error because the difference is a negative time. But is there a way to show negative times properly in Excel? Of course, there is a way, and even more than one :)

Both formulas check if the time difference (A2-B2) is greater than 0, and if it is they return that difference. If the time difference is less than zero, the first formula calculates the absolute difference and concatenates the minus sign. The second formula yields exactly the same result by using a negative time format "-h::mm".Note. Please keep in mind that unlike the first method that treats negative times as negative numeric values, the result of the TEXT function is always a text string that cannot be used in calculations or other formulas.Adding and subtracting time in ExcelBasically, there are 2 ways to add and subtract time in Excel:

For more information, please see How to calculate and show over 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds.

Date & Time Formula Wizard - quick way to calculate times in ExcelNow that you know a bunch of different formulas to add and subtract times in Excel, let me show you the tool that can do it all. Okay, almost all :)

That's it! For example, this is how you can add the specified number of hours, minutes and seconds to the time in A4:If you need to copy the formula to other cells, fix all references except the cell containing the original time (A4) with the $ sign like shown in the screenshot below (by default, the wizard always uses relative references). Then double-click the fill handle to copy the formula down the column and you are good to go!Besides time calculations, the wizard can also add and subtract dates, get the difference between two dates, and calculate age from the birthdate.

If you are curious to try this tool in your own worksheets, you are welcome to download the evaluation version of our Ultimate Suite below.

This is how you calculate time in Excel worksheets. To learn other ways to manipulate dates and times in Excel, I encourage you to check out the resources at the end of this article. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!

Excel Time Calculations - formula examples (.xlsx file)

Ultimate Suite - trial version (.exe file)

Excel Date and Time tutorials:Creating custom date formats in ExcelUsing MONTH and EOMONTH functions in ExcelCalculating week numbers in Excel (WEEKNUM function)Convert date to year & calculate age from date of birthCalculating weekdays in ExcelHow to use DATE formulas in ExcelExcel: featured articlesCompare two files / worksheetsCombine Excel files into oneMerge Excel tables by matching column data or headersMerge multiple sheets into oneMerge rows without losing dataCreate calendar in Excel 

(drop-down and printable)3 ways to remove spaces between wordsCompare 2 columns in Excel for matches and differencesSum and count cells by colorvar b20CategorySlug = "calculate-time-excel";Table of contents

Hi there,

 i'm creating sheet to calculate working hours for my employee ,we have shift timing of 8:30 am to 8:00 PM ,but punching time would vary for each persons ,i have constraint in minusing lunch break,if the person is working from 8:30 am to 1: 30 pm or 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm there wont be lunch break , so i need formula that helps me to calculate exact working hours

Hi! You write the time intervals as text. Therefore, it is not possible to find the sum of the times from your data. If the start time and end time are written in different cells, you can find the duration of each action as described in the article above. You can then use the SUMIF function to calculate, for example, the sum of the "Break" time. I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.

Hi, I am looking for a formula to calculate hours worked (end time-start time), but also to subtract 30 minutes if cell B isn't blank. So basically if there is a value in cell B, then subtract 30 minutes from the total time worked. Otherwise, if cell B is blank then don't subtract 30 mins.

Hello, I have a problem I cannot wrap my head around. I need to calculate overtime (time worked over 8 hours) that happened at night (between 22:00 and 6:00) and separately overtime that happened during the day.

I have start of the work (I6), end of the work (J6), total time worked (K6), total overtime (L6) and how much time I worked during the night (O6).

I want to calculate specifically how many overtime hours happened during the night and how many happened during the day.

Thanks for any help.

My job keeps a running total of time hours and minutes. For example my running total 2 months ago was 1410:51, last month my total was 1486:33. How do I find the difference between the 2 without excel converting it to days?

Hi! I am needing to calculate an arrival time for a surgical unit. We use the Time of surgery (in 24hr time) + duration of surgery (in minutes) + 1hour for recovery. I'd like to program this calculation into a spreadsheet that we can use for patient flow. Ex. surgery time 0830, duration of 120 minutes + 60 minutes of recovery = arrival time of noon (1130). How can I write a formula to make these conversions properly?

Thank you!

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