Google Workspace senders: If you use Google Workspace to send large volumes of email, review the Spam and abuse policy in Gmail. The policy is part of the Google Workspace Acceptable Use Policy.

Starting February 1, 2024, all senders who send email to Gmail accounts must meet the requirements in this section.


 Important: If you send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail accounts, follow the Requirements for sending 5,000 or more messages per day.

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Set up email authentication for each of your sending domains at your domain provider. In addition to following the instructions we provide, you should also refer to your domain provider's email authentication instructions.

SPF prevents spammers from sending unauthorized messages that appear to be from your domain. Set up SPF by publishing an SPF record at your domain. The SPF record for your domain should reference all email senders for your domain. If third-party senders aren't included in your SPF record, messages from these senders are more likely to be marked as spam. Learn how to define your SPF record and add it to your domain.

We recommend you set up DMARC reports so you can monitor email sent from your domain, or appears to have been sent from your domain. DMARC reports help you identify senders that may be impersonating your domain. Learn more about DMARC reports.

I just set up a new Workspace account and thanks to some help here, am able to receive and send emails. Note: the original domain email was purchased through GoDaddy and is still set up on their server as a Microsoft 365 account for what it's worth.

Problem: I'm not able to forward this new Gmail emails to other email accounts. I have set up and verified the outside email account. When I test it, the incoming email is delivered to the primary Gmail inbox (this is good, I want to keep a copy) but not forwarded to the designated email address. 

I have an update on this in case anyone is following it. I just tested the email forwarding to someone else who's email is not tangled up in all of the backup emails to the accounts needed to create Workspace. It worked! I'm not sure if it was due to the separation of his email account or the MX records or other Gmail features that needed time to be updated. (shrug) I'd like to forward emails to multiple people, but I suppose I need to set up Groups in order to achieve this?

Build customer trust by giving everyone in your company a professional email address at your domain, like priya@yourcompany and joe@yourcompany. Also create group mailing lists, like sales@yourcompany.

Paid Gmail features include: custom email (, unlimited group email addresses, 99.9% guaranteed uptime, twice the storage of personal Gmail, zero ads, 24/7 support, Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook, and more.

I sent an email which had a terrible open rate compared to our usual benchmark, and Gmail fell to the 2nd spot on our email client reporting for the very first time, with only 22% usage. That combined with the fact that the open rate was so low tells me that not all Gmail opens were tracked.

Does anyone know what I should be looking into to find out why this happened? Does my email being clipped on Gmail have something to do with it but if so, why has it successfully tracked some users and not others?

Your email being clipped can definitely effect open rates. HubSpot includes a small invisible image tracking pixel at the bottom of your email. Once that email is opened and the image is loaded, we receive that information and count the open. If anything happens - like clipping - to prevent that 'image' from displaying and thus loading, we cannot count the open.

A likely reason that some Gmail opens were counted is if anyone clicks the 'view full message' link that displays at the bottom of a clipped Gmail message. That will show the full email, and allow the tracking pixel to load, and then we can count the open.

A few ways to reduce the size of your email and prevent Gmail clipping is to:

- reduce the number of modules

- reduce the number of images (size of the image does not count towards size of the email)

- reduce the number of links.

You can find more about that here: -Marketing-Tool/Emails-getting-cut-off-in-Gmail-Message-clippe...

We have also had the same problem. The problem didn't happen consecutively, though. But, like you, our newsletters have pretty consistent email client reporting and then in September (and later December), Gmail fell from 1st place and opens fell. I know we're not to rely on opens as a metric for success anymore, but it's still an indicator of list health, so we have to pay attention.

Hello there ! I have recently been confronted to the exact same issue to an even bigger extent as my gmail opens dropped drastically from representing 53% of email used by clients to 0,38%. 

we ran some deliverability tests and cleaned up our contact base but the issue remains. 

Have you been able to solve it or gotten a definitive answer to what might have impacted this ?

Download Outlook for iOS or Outlook for Android, which lets you sync your email, calendar, and contacts with other email accounts, easily switch between accounts, and offers a combined inbox, search, and an integrated calendar experience. For more information about how to set up Outlook mobile on your phone, see Outlook for iOS and Android Help Center.

All faculty, staff, and students have access to the full suite of Google and Microsoft 365 apps. Learn more about Google and Microsoft 365 on our website.Frequently Asked Questions:Why do I have an email address?

The email address is an alternate email address that all students across the University of Tennessee system have. All emails sent to this address will be delivered to your UT email account.

Now, if you never subscribed and you got a large chunk of email from the sender then mark as spam. This will automatically move new emails into your spam folder. I know can use my yahoo without having to wade through hundreds of emails that I have no idea how I even signed up for.

My trick is Email Amnesty. I have a folder labelled Email Amnesty in my email. This folder is exactly like the delete button most of the time. Every so often (I need to get into the habit of doing it weekly!) I select ALL of the emails and move them to this folder. This folder is where email goes to die. 98%+ of email that goes into this folder never comes out again. But, for the

I realize this is an old post for you, but you just salvaged hours of work in my work emails. I usually move these by hand (or poorly chosen filters), but I used this system and literally cleared out over 700 from this semester in less than 20 minutes. THANK YOU!!!!!

I do keep a lot more than most people because, believe it or not, I have to refer back to a lot of state and medical emails (and they now get directed to their own folders, because I now know how, and I can locate them EASILY!), caregiving for 4 people in my home (3 are my own kids, and also my 77yo mom).

By using email tracking to individually monitor group emails, you can gain insights into recipient behavior and personalize your communications and follow-ups accordingly. This allows for improved engagement, productivity, efficiency, and ultimately, better business outcomes.

Notifications and reminders driven on email tracking insights, let you know when it's time to get back to a previous email or conversation. This way you can keep track of important tasks and make sure you do not forget to follow up with important contacts.

You create a Gmail draft template with placeholders thatcorrespond to data in a Sheets spreadsheet. Each column headerin a sheet represents a placeholder tag. The script sends the information foreach placeholder from the spreadsheet to the location of the correspondingplaceholder tag in your email draft.

The sample code includes a number of additional parameters, currently commented out, that let you control the name of the account the email is sent from, reply to email addresses, as well as Bcc and Cc email addresses.

Connect a personal email account to HubSpot to send one-to-one emails from the CRM, log email replies to the CRM, send sequences emails, and install HubSpot Sales to access the sales tools in your inbox.

A team email address is an email address that multiple users have access to and use to communicate with customers. You can connect a team email address to the conversations inbox so your team can view, manage, and reply to emails in one place. Learn how to connect a team email address to HubSpot, or review this guide about the different inbox connections in HubSpot.

HubSpot will attempt to recommend which email provider you should connect with. Click Connect to [recommended provider], then continue the steps below for your specific provider to finish connecting your personal email. 006ab0faaa

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