UMMMM b**** music preference is SUBJECTIVE. Ive heard those songs and sweet dreams is still my fave OK? But DEAD at you admitting to buying the deluxe the amount of time you spend trashing Beyonces music.

yes, and no. In the sweet dreams video the back up dancer withthe bun in her hair was in the single ladies video, and performs ontour with beyonce. The back up dancer with short hair is not in thesingle ladies video.

Download Beyonce Sweet Dreams Mp3 Free


"Sweet Dreams" by Beyonc describes the intense desire to hold onto a dreamlike state of being in love, even if it could be a beautiful nightmare. The speaker is hopelessly infatuated with someone, to the point where they are lost in a fairy tale world when they close their eyes. The lyrics convey a desperate longing for the lover, who is likened to a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare.

The speaker mentions that they pray for this person and cannot stop thinking about them, even wishing that they were there when they wake up. The chorus repeats the idea that the lover is a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare, and the speaker expresses that their love is too good to be true.

Her flight was circling so while she was where we're waiting on her Jim put up this track. I hear some feelings and I wrote Sweet dreams [...] and I sang the demo, cut it scratch, cut it. She came in and she said "Look I'm late I really can't stay and record jay-z has a concert tonight". [...] I said "Okay, well, I just did this one song" and i played Sweet dreams. She looked at her assistant and she said "How much time do we have?", she said "we only got 30 minutes, he's ten minutes away but it'll take us 15 minutes get there". [...] [Beyonc] went in the booth and she recorded sweet dreams in 15 minutes, the entire song in 15 minutes; I stayed in calm to focus, but she cut the entire song in only 15 minutes! if you listen closely to the backgrounds I'm singing all the backgrounds she didn't have time to sing her backgrounds so instead of adding them later she said: "I like the way he sounds on it and keep it".

Il suo volo stava girando a vuoto in attesa, cos mentre la aspettavamo Jim ha messo su questa traccia. Ho sentito un po' di vibrazioni e ho scritto Sweet Dreams; [...] ho cantato il demo, l'ho tagliata, l'ho grattata, l'ho tagliata. [Beyonc] arriv e disse: "Sono in ritardo. non posso restare a registrare, Jay-Z ha un concerto stasera". Io ho detto "Okay, bene, suoner solo questa canzone" e ho riprodotto Sweet dreams. Lei guard la suaassistente e ha detto: "Quanto tempo abbiamo?", le ha risposto: "Abbiamo solo 30 minuti,  a dieci minuti, ma ci vorranno 15 minuti per arrivare". [...] [Beyoc] entr nella cabina e registr Sweet dreams in 15 minuti, l'intera canzone in 15 minuti; Io rimasi calmo per concentrarmi, ma ha inciso l'intera canzone in soli 15 minuti! [...] Se si ascoltano attentamente i sottofondi vocali li sto cantando tutti io, lei non ha avuto il tempo di registrarli, cos invece diaggiungerli in seguito, ha detto: "Mi piace il modo in cui suonano, li tengo cos" 006ab0faaa

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