
Release Notes

Release 3.0

More changes from real life and my OCD nature:

  • Updated the operation of the "Clear All" button so that you now have to press and hold it to clear all the entries (operates like clearing a single entry). This prevents you fumbling the phone and clearing the whole list by accident. This work also fixed an issue where pressing and holding the Clear All button crashed the app.

  • Previously, if you cleared one of the entries, it did just that: cleared that line. My Obsessive/Compulsive nature didn't like a list with gaps in it, so now when an entry is cleared, the remainder of the list entries are shuffled up to plug the hole.

Release 2.02

A couple of changes inspired by using the app in real life:

  • the screen was reorganised so the checkboxs are to the left of the text boxs to prevent accidentally triggering a recording session while trying to mark an item off the list

  • the "Record" buttons have now been relabelled to "Rec/Clear" to reflect that if you just click the button a recording session will start (as it did in the first release), but if you press and hold the button for a couple of seconds, the checkbox and text box will reset to blanks without triggering a new recording session.

The latter change was the result of my having started a shopping list for a Costco trip later in the week when my wife wanted me to do a quick run to the shops for some things for dinner. I just added those items to the list I already had created for the Costco trip. On returning home I realised I couldn't delete the items I had just bought without losing the Costco entries or fiddling around to edit and delete the items from my quick shop. My OCD couldn't stand this, and given I was already changing the app to move the checkboxes, I added a the new feature as well.

Release 1.01.04

First release of the application. Subsequently rejected by Google Play due to a broken link to the Privacy page in the store presence