
Privacy Policy

Believe it or not, I need a privacy policy in order to publish the QuikShop application because it uses the microphone to operate the Google Speech-to-Text function that fills in the shopping list entries for you. So I'm getting to develop a whole different set of skills around web site design.

Now I'm not a lawyer, but here goes:

  • When you click "Rec/Clear" button next to one of the text boxes, the app launches a Google-powered Speech-to-Text translator. The display changes and asks you to say what you want translated. Whatever Google thinks you have said is then loaded to the item on the list, and is subsequently stored on your device. The translation is not always accurate, so you might end up storing junk on your phone if you don't re-record the item to correct it or edit it manually.

  • The data doesn't leave the app data storage area on your device, and what you say is between you and Google - I really do not care to know what you're shopping for. Google can probably work out from what you say that you're interested in something, and zap you with target ads, but they're doing that every time you use the internet anyway. The recording only operates when you press the "Rec/Clear" button, and it is obvious from the screen display when it starts and stops listening. If you don't want to use the feature you can manually enter the list by clicking into each text box and using the keyboard.

  • There is a chance that the data stored on your device, any data, not just the data held by QuikShop, might be accessed without your knwoledge - that could happen for a variety of reasons including someone hacking into your device, malware on your device, losing control of your device (e.g. leaving it on the bus), a nosy partner/friend... there are endless possibilities. For that reason you should not use QuikShop to store sensitive data. Examples of sensitive data might include passwords, bank details, birth dates of ex-partners, nuclear launch codes, and so forth. If you do, you are accepting the risk of disclosure yourself - there is nothing I or the application can do to prevent it.

  • If you accidentally store sensitive data in QuikShop and want to remove remove it, press the "Clear All" button, this overwrites the data store on the device with blanks. If you are REALLY worried about data persistance, you can uninstall the app which will remove the data associated with it at the same time.

Any questions, or conspiracy theories you want to share, let me know at quickshopapp@gmail.com.