Quiet Skies over Arapahoe County, CO
Quiet Skies Over Arapahoe County is a grassroots organization formed by residents due to the 78% increase of flight training over our community. Hundreds of touch-and-goes and training maneuvers are being flown each day using piston-engine airplanes that use leaded fuel over our homes, schools and parks. These planes fly at very low altitudes creating noise and lead pollution putting our health, safety and quality of life at risk.
Our Mission is to reclaim the livability of our homes and neighborhoods!
What You can Do:
Sign this petition asking elected officials to take legal action, similar to what the Town of Superior and Boulder County is taken, against Rocky Mountain Municipal Airport https://change.org/regainourcommunities
Contact your local elected officials and ask that they take legal action similar to the Town of Superior and Boulder County is against Rocky Mountain Municipal Airport. Form Letter & Contact Info here
Email a Personal Impact Statement (how noise and lead pollution has impacted you) to the following State Reps:
- Jeff Bridges, our State Senate District 26 Email: jeff.bridges.senate@coleg.gov & steve@stevefenberg.org
- Chad Clifford, our State Rep District 37 Email: chad.clifford.house@coleg.gov
Contact Elected Officials Crow, Hickenlooper, Bennet & Arapahoe County Commissioners (see email list below)
- Let them know how this has affected you, your family and quality of life
- Recommend the FAA reverts the flight school training plane pattern back to south of Arapahoe Road with formal noise abatement
- Ask them to schedule a town hall to discuss this issue with impacted residents and constituents
This picture is flight school training planes activity in one day. Our homes, schools, parks and communities are directly below all of the yellow flight track lines.
Quiet Skies In the News...
The Parker Chronicle - December 12, 2022 - Residents attending the Dec. 7 Centennial Airport Community Noise Roundtable demanding change. Read Article
The Denver Post - Dec. 21, 2022 - Increased plane noise has those living around Centennial Airport begging FAA for relief. Read Article
Centennial Citizen - Jan. 6, 2022 - Residents, Centennial Airport officials ask FAA for feedback regarding noise, safety concerns. Read Article
Westminister Window - Jan. 13, 2023 FAA urged by elected officials to consider noise, lead at Rocky Mountain Municipal Airport. Read Article
Villager - Jan. 13, 2023 - FAA, Michael Valencia, say's flight pattern was not changed despite widely held beliefs by local officials Read Article
Boulder County - Jan. 19, 2023 Boulder County calls for regulation of leaded aviation gas and its dangerous impact on public health. Read Article
CBS News - Feb. 1, 2023 Residents frustrated with 74% increase in flights overhead. Read Article/Watch News Story
The Villager - Feb. 9, 2023 Frustrated residents near Centennial Airport. Read Article
Colorado Community Media - Feb. 13, 2023 Residents frustrated with the lack of Progress. Read Article
9News Denver Feb. 13, 2023 - Centennial Airport Noise Watch Story
Politico Article Feb 20, 2023 - How aviators escaped America’s war on lead. Read Article
NTSB Final Report on Mid-Air Collision April 4, 2023 - Report finds pilot and air traffic controller at fault. NTSB Report
Colorado Sun Apri 5, 2023 - Cause of mid-air Read Article
Lonetree Voice May 15, 2023 - Centennial Airport takes new steps to involve FAA in noise concerns. Read Article
CBS New Story May 24, 2023 - Citizens near Rocky Mountain Municipal test for lead Watch Story
Denver Post Article July 9, 2023 - Suburban residents battle noise, lead pollution from busy metro Denver airports Read Article
Denver Post July 11, 2023 - Don’t let children near Colorado’s airports suffer the same fate as kids in Flint, Michigan Read Editorial
Denver Post July 12, 2023 - Stop providing leaded fuel to Colorado airports Read Article
Sept 2, 2023 ATP Flight School Training Plane crash on Meridian Golf Course - Plane did 3 touch and goes over neighborhoods north of Arapahoe Road a few minutes before crashing (see image to the right) Watch Story
Denver 7 News Residents sound alarm on lead exposure Sept. 11, 2023 - Watch Story
Rocky Mountain Municipal Airport Director Fired over comments made about community members Dec. 21, 2023 Read Article
400 homeowners near RMMA sue JeffCo over airport’s effect on home prices Dec. 23, 2023 New Article
Why the Change in Flight Pattern?
The increase of flight school training aircraft over our homes is a result of the mid-air collision over Cherry Creek State Park in May 2021 [Watch News Story]. Changes were made to the way the local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Controllers manage air traffic for the two parallel runways at Centennial Airport. Before the incident, the Air Traffic Control Tower could keep most traffic in the touch & go pattern south of Arapahoe Road – but after the incident, the FAA made the decisions to take a more "active control" and "tighten up the ship" said, FAA Denver District Manager, Michael Valencia at the Centennial Airport Community Roundtable meeting on Feb. 1, 2023. This means staggering traffic which results in extending the pattern north of Arapahoe Road. Michael Valencia also stated, "the FAA's #1 priority is avoiding mid-air collisions".
The other contributing factor is the increase in local general aviation operations at the Centennial Airport. Local general aviation operations (mainly toucn-and-goes) are up 69% in 2023 compared to 2022.
What is at Risk?
Our Health: Flight school planes are using leaded fuel which poses health risks to our families, pets and the environment - Children and Pregnant women are the most vulnerable. Read the study below on lead levels in children living near the Reid-Hillview Airport in San Jose, California.
Our Safety: There have been 3 crashes in 2022 and 2 in 2023. The new flight path increases the risk of crash over one of our homes or schools.
Noise Pollution/Mental Health: Constant exposure to high decibels of noise that these planes create, make it hard to enjoy our own backyards, parks, and playgrounds. There are also major health risks to this level of this noise exposure.
Negative Community Impact: Our property values are at risk!
Leaded Aviation Fuel
Last year 700,000 gallons of leaded gasoline was burned hundreds of feet over our homes and schools where children are learning and playing. The lead that rains down is also potentially here to stay, remaining in our soil and water for years to come. Unleaded alternatives now exist, yet the airport and FAA say it will take years to transition to safer fuels. For decades, lead has been banned from nearly everything in our lives (lead based paint, water pipes, our cars) yet, lead remains in general aviation. There are still 170,000 general aviation piston aircrafts operating in the U.S that use leaded fuel. Leaded fuel prevents engine knock in piston aircraft which could lead to engine issues. Centennial Airport is #4 on the list of the top 100 lead emitting airports in entire country.
Impacts of Lead of Residents Living Near Rocky Mountain Municipal Airport
August 7, 2023 - Dr. Robert Boulette, PhD presents to Westminster City Council on the impact of leaded aviation fuel on Westminster residents.
Reid-Hillview Airport | Lead Study on Children
Children who live near airports may be unknowingly exposed to dangerous concentrations of lead, a new study finds. Santa Clara County lead study on children living near Reid-Hillview Airport (#33 lead emitting airport) near San Jose California. Centennial is #4 [Read News Article] [Read Study] [Top Lead Emitting Airports]
The difference is that our children live AND go to school in the same community.
Study Results
Children commuting toward Reid-Hillview Airport to attend school present with substantially higher BLLs than sampled children commuting away from Reid-Hillview Airport for school. This relative distance effect appears to be dose-responsive.
Estimated coefficients are similar in direction and magnitude, supporting the hypothesis that exposure to aviation gasoline is a significant source of risk for children proximate to PEA-servicing airports.
The ensemble evidence compiled in this study supports the “compelling” need to limit aviation lead emissions to safeguard the welfare and life chances of at-risk children.
EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in a statement: “When it comes to our children the science is clear, exposure to lead can cause irreversible and life-long health effects." [Read EPA Endangerment Finding]
General Aviation operations at Centennial Airport have significantly increased from 2022 to 2023 which has contributed to the increased training plane activity over our communities
ATP Flight School Plane Crash
ATPCE LLC Flight School Training Plane Crashes on Meridian Golf Course Training plane was practicing touch and goes prior to crashing. The plane did 3 touch and goes over neighborhoods north of Arapahoe Road a few minutes before crashing at approx. 6:15a on Saturday, September 2nd, 2023. Read News Story
Local Elected Officials Support
Executive Director Centennial Airport, Mike Fronapfel, letter to the FAA - Oct. 19, 2022 Read Letter
Mayor of GV letter to Senator Hickenlooper - Feb. 6, 2023 Read Letter
Cherry Creek School District Letter to the FAA Mar. 3 2023 Read Letter
Colorado State Rep. Ruby Dickson letter to Centennial Airport Authority March 16, 2023 Read letter
Arapahoe County, GV, Airport Authority letter to federal elected officials April 10, 2023 Read Letter
Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser letter to the EPA regarding lead in aviation fuel July 18, 2023 - Read Letter
Support from Washington
12/15/22 Congressman Jason Crow along with Senators Bennet & Hickenlooper urged the FAA to address the Centennial Airport noise. Read Press Release
12/1/22 - Letter from U.S Quiet Skies Caucus to the FAA - Read Letter
1/9/23 - Response from the FAA, Grady Stone, on behalf of acting FAA Administer, Bill Nolen, to Congressman Crow in regards to the Crow, Bennet & Hickenlooper letter sent to the FAA Dec. 15, 2022. Read Letter
4/18/23 - Congressman Crow testifies at the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on behalf of Coloradoans whose health, safety and quality of life have been impacted by the Centennial Airport https://youtu.be/yeGWN_C6W6k
7/20/23 - Congressman Crow Tackles Coloradans' Airport Noise, Safety Concerns in FAA Reauthorization Bill Read Press Release
Note: Responses to all letters can be found on the Letters Page of this website
FAA Noise Policy Review
Many of you have recently received information on the Request for Comments on the Federal Aviation Administration’s Review of the Civil Aviation Noise Policy, Notice of Public Meeting. The FRN comment period is May 1-July 31, 2023. Additionally, the FAA is hosting webinars in May, link here.
The FAA Noise Policy Review is one of the most consequential reviews on noise metrics and noise thresholds in our lifetime. Please be sure to submit your comments!
The FAA asks for comments on eleven issues and questions that “will be most helpful”.
What Quiet Skies over Arapahoe County has accomplished
We attend and make public comment at the monthly Centennial Airport Authority and Centennial Airport Community Noise Roundtable meetings advocating for change. We've enlisted the support from neighbors, friends, community leaders and elected officials. We create awareness through social media, local media outlets and newspapers. Our group has worked hard and is proud of the following achievements:
Due to our group's work the elected officials staffers from Jason Crow’s office (DC and Aurora) and Hickenlooper's office have been attending meetings virtually. See the press release sent by Crow, Hickenlooper and Bennet to the FAA above.
We've met with our new County Commissioner Jessica Campbell-Swanson. She is very concerned for our community and has committed to making changes. She was also appointed to the new Centennial Airport Authority Board of Commissioners.
Our group informed the Cherry Creek School District Board of Education by speaking at their Dec. 2022 meeting.
We've created this website, Facebook page and an informational community flyer and canvassed many neighborhoods talking to residents throughout the community.
Created awareness through local media channels which include 9 news articles, story in the Denver Post, interview with Denver CBS news and several local newspapers.
We've learned the airport receives millions of dollars in grants from the FAA that have strings attached. And flight schools make up over 50% of the airports operation numbers. The airport is building a new 45M air traffic controller.
Fought to get unleaded fuel at Centennial - However, its use is not mandatory
Enlisted the support of Congressman Crow, Senator Hickenlooper, Senator Bennet, State Representative Ruby Dixon, the Cherry Creek School District, and Arapahoe County Commissioners
Created community awareness and aligning all neighborhoods for the cause
Attended and activitly participated in public airport meetings, challenging and holding the airport authority accountable
Our Concerns
The health & safety risks of flight school aircrafts practicing hundreds of touch and go's daily, at low altitudes, using leaded fuel over our homes and schools.
The noise and it’s affects on our homes, mental health, and quality of life!
Safety & crash concerns
Our ASK:
Revert this flight plan to stop flying north of Arapahoe Road
Obtain a formal Noise Abatement for all residential communities north of Arapahoe Road
Elimination of flight schools using leaded fuel
Work with elected officials to minimize touch and go’s at Centennial Airport
What can you do?
Attend airport meetings | Noise Roundtable https://centennialairport.com/noise-roundtable & Airport Authority https://centennialairport.com/virtual-boardroom
File environmental harm reports to the EPA | File Now
File noise complaints daily | File Complaint Now
Spread awareness - let your neighbors know what is happening! | Text or email community flyer Flyer - PDF Format or Flyer - JPG Format
Write your local congress person(s) | See elected officials list below
Join our Facebook Group | Join Now
Get involved - We need your support! Become an advocate for your neighborhood. Subscribe to emails. Subscribe Now
Tell the EPA to Ban Leaded Aviation Fuel
While the use of leaded gasoline in most cars was banned 25 years ago, leaded aviation gasoline is still used in nearly 170,000 piston-engine aircraft across 20,000 airports. EPA estimates that emissions from these airplanes account for about 70% of lead released into the atmosphere.
Send form letter to EPA Director Michael Regan
Airport Meetings
Centennial Airport Community Noise Roundtable Meetings
The CACNR community/public meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30p at the Centennial Airport 7565 South Peoria Street, Englewood CO 80112. If you can't attend in person you can register to join via GoToWebinar at https://centennialairport.com/noise-roundtable
Recordings of 2023 CACNR meetings: https://centennialairport.com/2023-cacnr-archive
Archived CACNR Meeting Minutes: http://centennialairportnoise.com/board-documents/
Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority Meetings
The Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority conducts its public meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 3:00p, except January, at the Centennial Airport 7565 South Peoria Street, Englewood CO 80112. You can register to join via GoToWebinar at https://centennialairport.com/virtual-boardroom
Recordings of Airport Authority Meetings: https://centennialairport.com/2023-minutes
Meeting Minutes: https://centennialairport.com/2023-minutes
Centennial Airport Community Noise Roundtable (CACNR) Sub Group Update Report
File Noise Complaints - Centennial Airport
File noise and report low flying too as frequently as possible. The airport must look into each complaint and report them to the FAA. File Complaint Now
Contact Airport, Elected Officials & FAA
Executive Director of Planning & Development at Centennial Airport | Mike Fronapfel | Email: mfronapfel@centennialairport.com
Arapahoe County Commissioners
Jessica Campbell-Swanson | Email: jcampbell-swanson@arapahoegov.com
Bill Holen | Email: bholen@arapahoegov.com
Jeff Baker | Email: jbaker@arapahoegov.com
Leslie Summey | Email: lsummey@arapahoegov.com
Colorado Congressmen District 6 Jason Crow’s Local Denver Office | Terrell Horton | Email: Terrell.Horton@mail.house.gov
Colorado Congressmen District 6 Jason Crow’s D.C Office | Mackenzie Fallt | Mackenzie.Fallt@mail.house.gov
or fill out online Form Letter
** You can call and leave a message at Jason Crow's office at 202-225-7882
Senator John Hickenlooper's Office | Sam Boger | Email: Sam_Boger@hickenlooper.senate.gov
Senator John Hickenlooper's Office | Kevin Vargas | Email: kevin_vargas@hickenlooper.senate.gov
NEW: Online Form Letter
Colorado State Rep - Ruby Dickson Email: Ruby.Dickson.house@coleg.gov
Cherry Creek School Board of Education - ccsdboard@cherrycreekschools.org and superintendent@cherrycreekschools.org
Contact the FAA
Email concerns to the FAA Northwest Mountain ombudsman person who serves as a public liaison for issues about aircraft noise questions or complaints.
Colorado FAA Ombudsman: Justin Biassou
Email: 9-anm-noise@faa.gov
Phone: 206-231-4202
Colorado FAA Rep - Michael Valencia Email: Michael.Valencia@FAA.gov
Website Report noise and low flying planes to the Northwest Mountain Region FAA Noise Portal. Report Noise to FAA
Flight Radar: See What's Happening in the Skies above
This website provides real-time flight data on where planes are located, where they've been and who the airplane is owed by. Locate Centennial Airport and start clicking on the airplane. It will show you the hundreds of daily laps (touch and go's) flight school planes are performing.
Community/School Info Flyer
Get Involved
Get involved and to see how you can help by joining our Facebook Group and/or Subscribing to Emails