
Centennial Airport Training Operations Data

This data captures all operations that are defined as “training” operations, and is not specific to touch & go operations OR operations that affected Greenwood Village. To better understand what this data represents, below is an image of the total number of aircraft operations defined as “training” operations for a 24-hour period on a very busy training traffic day, Saturday, July 30th 2022. The red dot near the center of the image is Centennial Airport.

Understanding how many flights are actually going over our homes per year/month/day.  This is what Quiet Skies Over Arapahoe County have uncovered:  

Airport Funding

The Centennial Airport receives quite a bit of funding from the government. The airport received $0.5 million for a noise compatibility study but don't have records that the study took place. 


Centennial Airport Expansion & Master Plan

January 2021 Masterplan

September 2022 Article about explansion

Aviation Noise

[The following article was originally published in Airport Noise Report newsletter on pages 61-62 in Volume 34, Number 16, May 6, 2022.]  A critical step needed to measure FAA’s progress in engaging with communities on NextGen implementation is to begin using a scorecard to assess how well the agency is focusing on issues important to communities, Darlene Yaplee, a founding member of the Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance, told participants at the UC Davis Aviation Noise and Emissions Symposium. Click here to read entire article

FAA Articles 

Touch and go's and take-offs and landings. In this article, it states that this is a gray area:


The FAA discusses landings, take offs and go arounds (not touch and gos).  See page 34:

Centennial: A Busy GA Airport Where Even A Mid-Air Collision Cannot Stir FAA to Mitigate Impacts


Ordinance Amending Title 17

A county commissioner in Utah made an amendment to touch and go activity in Grand County, Utah