It is odd that a 64bit application would ask for a software that doesn't exist. The idea that you need a 64bit version of quicktime is strange because Adobe Premiere (on windows) is also 64bit and seems to work with the 32bit Implementation of Quicktime.

Powerpoint was updated for 64bit and because there is no 64bit version of quicktime it doesn't work. Microsoft shouldn't have said - go get 64bit quicktime - but then they probably assumed that apple would be doing it's job properly and update their software.

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I'm with pmiles on this one. It is total insanity of the sort only Microsoft could muster that they would make a version of the most commonly used presentation program in the world (powerpoint) that can't play one of the most commonly used file formats for videos (quicktime). And in addition to not bothering to put a huge bold face red text warning when you install saying "If you install 64-bit office you won't be able to ever reuse any of your powerpoints with quicktime movies in them!", they don't even bother to put a useful message in the error they give you when their software fails to play your movie. Whose "fault" it is programmer-wise is irrelevant, You can't make a presentation program that doesn't play quicktime movies and expect people not to hate you. It is insane. That's like making a browser that play flash... oh wait I know another company that did that ?

Just a simple thought here.... but maybe you could just convert the video format?? ? I mean come on guys.... regardless of your love for the fruit, it is more than a bit rediculous that apple hasn't done a 64bit version of quicktime at this point. In 2008 you may have had an excuse for this, but 2014?? Really? Sad fact of the matter is, Apple is always slow to update any software that isn't running in the Apple environment. It's always been this way, and certainly isn't going to change anytime soon. It's the same old ploy to sell thier own products first and foremost. I don't blame them for this tactic.... It's just business. Case in point, just look at how Itunes is STILL as buggy as it is in the windows environment. But in this case.... if it's REALLY bothering you that bad...... just convert the video format and get on with your life..... done. ?

Yeah, after uninstalling QT player after being told all windows users should remove it because of vulnerabilities, I would have thought the codecs (or just the decoders) would have been included when media encoder was installed. Whatever, installing Resolve fixed it on Windows 10. Now that I have Resolve on my system, maybe it's time to give it a try.

I've been using Magix for almost 10 years and all of a sudden I can't play MP4's, says I don't have quicktime. I went to this forum to look for answers, a suggestion was to download Quicktime. After I installed the latest one (2016) I was able to upload MP4's again. So problem solved?

I found a 'work around'. The MP4 seems to play on Premiere elements (w/o quicktime?) so I exported it out as an MPEG which Magix reads. Premiere Elements was one of the programs I tried out only to go back to Magix. Premiere is an Apple leaning software, so maybe it has the QT software installed, but wouldn't that follow that Magix should also be able to access it? Might we expect an update to address this or am I the only one to have this problem?

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