During the development cycle for QuickTime 3.0, part of the engineering team was working on a more advanced version of QuickTime to be known as QuickTime interactive or QTi. Although similar in concept to the wired movies feature released as part of QuickTime 3.0, QuickTime interactive was much more ambitious. It allowed any QuickTime movie to be a fully interactive and programmable container for media. A special track type was added that contained an interpreter for a custom programming language based on 68000 assembly language. This supported a comprehensive user interaction model for mouse and keyboard event handling based in part on the AML language from the Apple Media Tool.

The QuickTime interactive movie was to have been the playback format for the next generation of HyperCard authoring tool. Both the QuickTime interactive and the HyperCard 3.0 projects were canceled in order to concentrate engineering resources on streaming support for QuickTime 4.0, and the projects were never released to the public.

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QuickTime 7 lacks support for H.264 Sample Aspect Ratio.[129] QuickTime X does not have this limitation,[citation needed] but many Apple products (such as Apple TV) still use the older QuickTime 7 engine. iTunes previously utilized QuickTime 7, but as of October 2019, iTunes no longer utilizes the older QuickTime 7 engine.[130]

I've been using Magix for almost 10 years and all of a sudden I can't play MP4's, says I don't have quicktime. I went to this forum to look for answers, a suggestion was to download Quicktime. After I installed the latest one (2016) I was able to upload MP4's again. So problem solved?

I found a 'work around'. The MP4 seems to play on Premiere elements (w/o quicktime?) so I exported it out as an MPEG which Magix reads. Premiere Elements was one of the programs I tried out only to go back to Magix. Premiere is an Apple leaning software, so maybe it has the QT software installed, but wouldn't that follow that Magix should also be able to access it? Might we expect an update to address this or am I the only one to have this problem?


Would it be possible to send a screenshot of your Quicktime preference window in which you have the enable flash track triggered (there might be other settings there that differ). You can send the file at techsupport@toonboom.com.

For the fix itself we cannot say yet when it is going to be ready since we need to make a new engine to point out to some other application.

Best regards,



Did you try the preview scene function? We do not yet know when the fix will be ready since it requires to rewrite the rendering function of Toon Boom Studio and develop a new engine so in the meantime for Mac users the best option is most likely to use Preview Scene and Preview Movie.

Those are more accurate then Quick Preview too so it might be better of to use those to test sync.

Best regards,


Actually, it doesn't quite so much as many might believe (Or have you believe). We still need Quicktime for certain tasks so here's a little background.

Although Avid have made bold moves with Pro Tools 12.5 and continue to develop away from Quicktime dependencies for the Pro Tools AVE (Avid Video Engine) where Video is concerned, Pro Tools still has dependencies on Quicktime for "Foreign Format" audio importing and conversion such as MP3, Meaning the Quicktime engine is used as the import and conversion plugin on the import audio dialogue window of Pro Tools as seen in the picture below - Note the text line on the very bottom of the window when Quicktime is not installed/found on the system while trying to import an MP3 file to a PT session via the "Import Audio" file menu option.

There appears to be two main components to the Quicktime package, The Quicktime Essentials (the core library and QT engine) and the Quicktime Player. In addition to that are threee optional components, The Quicktime Web Plug-In, The Picture Viewer and Quicktime for Java.

Lets look at these in reverse order:

The movie file xxx.dv cannot be played back in the native video engine. Please consider converting the movie using QuickTime Player 7 or similar tools to H.264 or other QuickTime Player X compatible formats.

Hi Doug

I installed the version you suggested, and while it behaves differently, it still doesn't work. I can set the video engine to quicktime, but still can't see it in the about quicktime. I also cannot read the .MOV files. 

FYI I have another computer, a MacBook Air with Yosemite, and on that I can read it with Apple Java 1.6.


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Dragon Player and Gwenview have stopped being able to play quicktime video (*.mov) files. I can hear the audio, but no video displays. Other file types appear to play fine. Help on getting this back functioning would be appreciated.

I made a screen recording using quicktime, but when I import the video into premier pro cc, the playback is choppy. In on part of the video I have an object that fades in, when this is viewed in quicktime the fade is very gradual and smooth, but in premiere pro it is choppy as if I only get every other frame of the fade.

This is most likely related to glitchiness in the old embedded Quicktime player that was kind of hacked in to 64 bit Premiere. It can sometimes result in the Quicktime engine grinding to a halt and even completely freeze Premiere. This is due to the lack of 64 bit support provided for Quicktime for Windows by Apple. I believe we have another answer that covers it in more detail, but I couldn't find it at the moment.

Either way, the best work around is generally to move the data stream out of the MOV container and move it in to a container that doesn't use the 32 bit Quicktime playback engine if you have problems. (Not every file seems to have problems for some reason.)

The jit.qt.movie object can open (read) a .mov file (or really any media file that QuickTime is capable of dealing with) and start playing it, loading its visual content into its internal Jitter matrix. But that matrix is only made visible when you send it a bang, which causes it to send out a jit_matrix message to jit.window telling it where in memory to look to get the data to be displayed. Thus, the playing of the movie (loading it in from the disk) and the displaying of it in jit.window are really two separate operations. [For playing movies without the use of the QuickTime engine, see also jit.movie.]

QuickTime is a common videoplayer on both Windows and Mac platforms with many applications relying on the QuickTimeengine to play and process video files. For instance, Avid Media Composerutilizes the QuickTime 7 engine for both import and export functions. Installing QuickTime and QuickTimecomponents can solve many problems, but on ...

You can use the Collect Files command to save projects to a specified watch folder and then initiate watch-folder rendering over a network. After Effects also includes a render control file called RCF.txt, which signals to watching computers that the project is available for rendering. After Effects and any installed render engines can then render the project together across a network. See Set up watch-folder rendering.

Use to specify the number of render engines or licensed copies of After Effects that you want to allocate to render the collected project. Below this option, After Effects reports how many items in the project will be rendered using more than one computer.

Use the Import & Replace Usage option to create a chain of dependent render items. For example, you can set one render item to use a watch folder and multiple computers to create a still-image sequence, and then the next render item can render a single movie file from that still-image sequence. See Network rendering with watch folders and render engines.

This course Internet site and the interactive course material will only work properly with this browser. If you use FireFox. Chrome, Netscape, Safari, Opera or another browser, the course material will not display or work properly.

 Lessons using JAVA applets or other JAVA programming does not work New computers or new installations of MS Internet Explorer do not include the JAVA engine. You must download and install the JAVA engine separately fromSun Microsystems before your browser will run any lessons or other internet sites that use JAVA.

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