Volume Key Auto Clicker is a free utility application for mobile devices coming from developer Phone Phreak. It offers users auto-clicker capabilities that can be configured to and utilized with their devices' volume control buttons. It can be configured to simulate any number of clicks at once.

Even comparing it to other similar apps, this auto clicker app is a single-feature fare and relies on your device's volume keys to offer auto-clicking functionalities. You can configure your Volume Up and Volume Down buttons separately to simulate click up to 1000. You can also set an interval between each one, measured in milliseconds. You can add a floating widget, so you can access it anywhere.

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From there, you can customize the look of its control panel to enable its functions, including size, transparency, and color. The same applies to the virtual cursor that will appear every time you trigger an auto-click. Just one thing to be aware of before proceeding and that is whenever you trigger the app's function, your touch input will be interrupted temporarily.

Overall, Volume Key Auto Clicker is one of the easiest auto-clicker apps available right now that you should check out. It might have only one way to trigger its functionalities, but it works reliably. Despite only having two buttons to work with, it's quite flexible and configurable. Give this one a try and see for yourself how well it does. Highly recommended.

Do you need fast clicking for your game, but only at specific moments? Then Quick Trigger Auto Clicker is the auto clicker for you! The app lets you quickly trigger auto clicking in any game using the Volume Up and Volume Down keys. Trigger any action repeatedly by pressing the volume buttons! No more trying to quickly hit an auto clickers's overlay button, when every millisecond counts! The clicking speed can be as high as 1000 clicks/sec. This requires no root access or activation via a PC.

NOTE: Due to limitiations in Android's accessibility framework, a click triggered by the volume keys will interrupt any ongoing manual touch gesture. This means that the app doesn't work in games where you need to keep the other finger on the screen for movement while triggering an action (as in a typical shooter).

Quick Trigger Auto Clicker offers a floating control panel to conveniently configure volume button triggering for your game. Simply place click cursor widgets on your game's on-screen controls: holding down a volume button will then trigger that game button, at a frequency that you select. 

NOTE TO XIAOMI USERS: If you cannot open the settings window after the latest MIUI update, go to Settings > Manage Apps > Quick Trigger Auto Clicker > App Permissions, and enable "Display pop-up windows while running in the background"

Problems/suggestions? Please email me at support@phonephreaksoftware.com

This app uses Accessibility services. Accessibility is used to detect when the volume buttons are pressed on your device, and to perform touch gestures on behalf of the user. It is not used to see what you type. Quick Trigger Auto Clicker does not collect or share any of your personal information with third parties.

3. OP Auto Clicker. Op auto clicker is the top-rated best auto clickers for windows tool or program that automates clicks. It allows us to breed mouse clicks. We are ready to set a maximum number of clicks or infinite clicks counting on the need.\n17 Smart Autoclicker Alternatives \u2013 Top Best Alternatives\nQuick Trigger Auto Clicker enables gamers to automate clicking at set times. It lets you instantly activate auto-clicking in any game by using the Volume Keys. Execute any action again and again by simply pressing the volume buttons. It saves everyone from tiring their hands by hitting an auto clicker overlay\u2019s button.\nAuto Clicker Pro APK for Android Download - APKPure.com\nAbout Auto Clicker Pro. The best app auto clicker for 2021. Help you automate repeated taps. You can set any position to click or swipe at any time. Auto Clicker will reliably click or swipe any location you target on your screen at whatever interval you choose. Auto Clicker does NOT require root and works on full-screen apps!\n17 Clicador Alternatives \u2013 Top Best Alternatives\nQuick Trigger Auto Clicker enables gamers to automate clicking at set times. It lets you instantly activate auto-clicking in any game by using the Volume Keys. Execute any action again and again by simply pressing the volume buttons. It saves everyone from tiring their hands by hitting an auto clicker overlay\u2019s button.\nDownload Fastest Auto Clicker Free - My Click Speed\n8. MAX Auto Clicker. Max auto clicker is a very fast and free software designed for automated clicking that allows the user to generate automated mouse clicking to avoid the tedious task of repeated clicking. This app is usually suitable for playing games on the computer.\n","upvoteCount":1},"suggestedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","id":"https:\/\/safo.dpver.gov.ar\/en\/quick-trigger-auto-clicker\/#answer","url":"https:\/\/safo.dpver.gov.ar\/en\/quick-trigger-auto-clicker\/#answer","text":"quick trigger auto clicker\n5 Best Auto Clickers Programs for Windows MAC 2023\n3. OP Auto Clicker. Op auto clicker is the top-rated best auto clickers for windows tool or program that automates clicks. It allows us to breed mouse clicks. We are ready to set a maximum number of clicks or infinite clicks counting on the need.\n17 Smart Autoclicker Alternatives \u2013 Top Best Alternatives\nQuick Trigger Auto Clicker enables gamers to automate clicking at set times. It lets you instantly activate auto-clicking in any game by using the Volume Keys. Execute any action again and again by simply pressing the volume buttons. It saves everyone from tiring their hands by hitting an auto clicker overlay\u2019s button.\nAuto Clicker Pro APK for Android Download - APKPure.com\nAbout Auto Clicker Pro. The best app auto clicker for 2021. Help you automate repeated taps. You can set any position to click or swipe at any time. Auto Clicker will reliably click or swipe any location you target on your screen at whatever interval you choose. Auto Clicker does NOT require root and works on full-screen apps!\n17 Clicador Alternatives \u2013 Top Best Alternatives\nQuick Trigger Auto Clicker enables gamers to automate clicking at set times. It lets you instantly activate auto-clicking in any game by using the Volume Keys. Execute any action again and again by simply pressing the volume buttons. It saves everyone from tiring their hands by hitting an auto clicker overlay\u2019s button.\nDownload Fastest Auto Clicker Free - My Click Speed\n8. MAX Auto Clicker. Max auto clicker is a very fast and free software designed for automated clicking that allows the user to generate automated mouse clicking to avoid the tedious task of repeated clicking. This app is usually suitable for playing games on the computer.\n","upvoteCount":1}}} .content-newsletter .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper.bg-img:after, .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper:after{ background: rgba(120, 192, 168, 0.8); } /* primary color */ a{ color: #78c0a8; } a:hover, a:focus{ color: #78c0a8; } .secondary-nav ul li a:hover, .secondary-nav ul li a:focus, .secondary-nav ul li:hover > a, .secondary-nav ul li:focus > a, .secondary-nav .current_page_item > a, .secondary-nav .current-menu-item > a, .secondary-nav .current_page_ancestor > a, .secondary-nav .current-menu-ancestor > a, .header-t .social-networks li a:hover, .header-t .social-networks li a:focus, .main-navigation ul li a:hover, .main-navigation ul li a:focus, .main-navigation ul li:hover > a, .main-navigation ul li:focus > a, .main-navigation .current_page_item > a, .main-navigation .current-menu-item > a, .main-navigation .current_page_ancestor > a, .main-navigation .current-menu-ancestor > a, .banner .banner-text .title a:hover, .banner .banner-text .title a:focus, #primary .post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:hover, #primary .post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:focus, .widget ul li a:hover, .widget ul li a:focus, .site-footer .widget ul li a:hover, .site-footer .widget ul li a:focus, #crumbs a:hover, #crumbs a:focus, .related-post .post .text-holder .cat-links a:hover, .related-post .post .text-holder .cat-links a:focus, .related-post .post .text-holder .entry-title a:hover, .related-post .post .text-holder .entry-title a:focus, .comments-area .comment-body .comment-metadata a:hover, .comments-area .comment-body .comment-metadata a:focus, .search #primary .search-post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:hover, .search #primary .search-post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:focus, .site-title a:hover, .site-title a:focus, .widget_bttk_popular_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:hover, .widget_bttk_popular_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:focus, .widget_bttk_pro_recent_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:hover, .widget_bttk_pro_recent_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:focus, .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:hover, .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:focus, .site-footer .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:hover, .site-footer .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:focus, .portfolio-sorting .button:hover, .portfolio-sorting .button:focus, .portfolio-sorting .button.is-checked, .portfolio-item .portfolio-img-title a:hover, .portfolio-item .portfolio-img-title a:focus, .portfolio-item .portfolio-cat a:hover, .portfolio-item .portfolio-cat a:focus, .entry-header .portfolio-cat a:hover, .entry-header .portfolio-cat a:focus, .banner-layout-two .grid-item .text-holder .title a:hover, #primary .post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-meta a:hover, .blog.blog-layout-two #primary .post .text-holder .entry-footer .entry-meta a:hover, .entry-content a:hover, .entry-summary a:hover, .page-content a:hover, .comment-content a:hover, .widget .textwidget a:hover { color: #78c0a8; 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