Forms & Templates

Materials to help you build better questionnaires. Feel free to download and modify the material to meet your needs. For details on these forms see: Moroney and Cameron. (2018), Questionnaire design: How to ask the right questions of the right people at the right time to get the information you need. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

1-Blank Questionnaire Development Form Checklist.docx

Blank Questionnaire Development Form Checklist

List of key questions to ask when creating a questionnaire.

2-Sample emails for communicating with potential respondents.docx

Sample Emails for Communicating with Potential Respondents

The sample emails illustrate our strategy for recruiting individuals when you have email addresses for all your potential respondents.

3 - Annotated Invitation and Consent Form portrait.docx

Annotated Invitation and Consent Form

Sample invitation and consent form with detailed explanations of each item.

4-Sample Statement of Consent to Participate In Survey.docx

Sample Statement of Consent to Participate In Survey

Sample statement of consent for potential participants.

5-Blank Persona form.docx

Blank Persona Form & Sample Persona

Template to use when creating a questionnaire persona.

6-Generic Survey Evaluation Form (paper version).docx

Generic Survey Evaluation Form

Survey follow-up form to get feedback on the questionnaire itself.

© 2019 William F. Moroney