COVID-19 Information for Teachers

The situation with COVID-19 is continually evolving. The NSTU will provide information and advice to members as it becomes available. NSTU members who have concerns about COVID-19 should visit this page regularly for updates.

For specfic information click on the links below:

NSTU Communications to Members - CLICK HERE

This section contains links to communcations from the NSTU that were sent to members during the COVID-19 shutdown and school reopening.


This section contains frequently asked questions specific to Covid and schools.

Occupational Health and Safety - CLICK HERE

This section contains information related to the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Information for Substitute Teachers - CLICK HERE

This section contains information for substitute teachers related to the shutdown of schools in the Spring of 2020.

NSTU Media Engagements - CLICK HERE

This section contains links to some of the NSTU media engagements related to COVID-19.

Information for Retired Teachers - CLICK HERE

This section contains information for retired teachers related to the shutdown of schools in the Spring of 2020.

Education Partner Communications - CLICK HERE

This section contains links to each Regional Centre for Education and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development pages related to COVID-19.

Additional Resources and Information - CLICK HERE

This section contains links to various external agencies related to COVID-19 programs and services.

New Releases - CLICK HERE

This section contains news releases issued since April 20, 2021