Presumably this is a bug and not an intentional removal of a feature. Either way, it represents a significant regression in capability. For those with large datasets to backup but relatively limited bandwidth on the uplink (like my residential connection), this is a serious problem. I require the ability to pause a large upload (which may take a day or more), or at the very least change the throttle, in order to make bandwidth available for other users and services on the network, whilst minimising backup time as much as possible. Flexible, real-time management of the upload process state and bandwidth is an absolutely essential capability of a backup solution, at least for my use-case.

COLUMN_REASON 1 is PAUSED_WAITING_TO_RETRY, "when the download is paused because some network error occurred and the download manager is waiting before retrying the request." But there doesn't seem to be a way to determine what network error occurred. The download never successfully completes.

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In this mode, Queries and Mutations will not fire unless you have network connection. This is the default mode. If a fetch is initiated for a query, it will always stay in the state (loading, error, success) it is in if the fetch cannot be made because there is no network connection. However, a fetchStatus is exposed additionally. This can be either:

Keep in mind that it might not be enough to check for loading state to show a loading spinner. Queries can be in state: 'loading', but fetchStatus: 'paused' if they are mounting for the first time, and you have no network connection.

If a query runs because you are online, but you go offline while the fetch is still happening, TanStack Query will also pause the retry mechanism. Paused queries will then continue to run once you re-gain network connection. This is independent of refetchOnReconnect (which also defaults to true in this mode), because it is not a refetch, but rather a continue. If the query has been cancelled in the meantime, it will not continue.

In those situations, the first fetch might succeed because it comes from an offline storage / cache. However, if there is a cache miss, the network request will go out and fail, in which case this mode behaves like an online query - pausing retries.

The TanStack Query Devtools will show Queries in a paused state if they would be fetching, but there is no network connection. There is also a toggle button to Mock offline behavior. Please note that this button will not actually mess with your network connection (you can do that in the browser devtools), but it will set the OnlineManager in an offline state.

Usually, to pause OneDrive sync you have to click on the status menu icon, click [More...] and then click "Pause Syncing" then click "2 hours"

The Pause isn't available as a menu item (that I've been able to find). It's only accessible through the status menu. I can't seem to use "image search" because the status icon changes and is animated.

The Erlang VM on the paused nodes will continue running but thenodes will not listen on any ports or be otherwise available.They will check once per second to see if the rest of the cluster hasreappeared, and start up again if it has.

What makes matters even worse, is that modern OS-es (Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS) randomizes the MAC address for greater privacy protection (harder to track) by default. This breaks parental controls, such as pausing, because the MAC address you specify will change next time the device connects to the network.

I was listening to my Spotify Premium account on my droid 4 at work like usual today and my music stopped suddenly. A notification said, "Spotify has been paused because account is used somewhere else". I pushed play and my music played again immediately however, this concerns me. I only have spotify on my laptop at home and i clearly was not there. Who was this other person using my account somewhere else? How do i know someone didn't hack into my account somehow? Is there a way to see your activity and/or a list of devices using this service (like facebook now does)?

The operation migrates cluster metadata. The cluster is unavailable for a few minutes. The majority of queries are temporarily paused and connections are held open. It is possible, however, for some queries to be dropped. This stage is short.

If you have a cluster that only needs to be available at specific times, you can pause the cluster and later resume it. While the cluster is paused, on-demand billing is suspended. Only the cluster's storage incurs charges. For more information about pricing, see the Amazon Redshift pricing page.

CDMA networks: On EV-DO connections, data transfers are paused when you answer incoming calls. On 1xRTT connections, incoming calls may go directly to voicemail during data transfers. For incoming calls that you answer, data transfers are paused.

If you receive notification that your payouts have been paused because your account has been found to be in breach of our terms and/or policies after receiving payment you will have an opportunity to appeal.

Pause one or more tasks by task id as an endpoint administrator. If a task isalready complete or paused at the time of the submission it will not raise anerror, which allows clients to re-submit the request if there was a networkerror.

I've reset and updated all devices in the network and nothing is correcting this issue/mis-interpretation by the Telus app. It even shows the ALexa device connected but won't let me un-pause it because it thinks it is a TELUS Optik TV. Very frustrating. Has anyone encountered this before and know of a solution?

Let's say you have two YouTube videos played, your media state is playing. If you pause one video the state will switch to paused despite the fact that another YouTube video is still playing. The same happens on Spotify and any other app. As soon as you switch to another app that leverages the HardwareMediaKeyHandling and pause the audio there, the media state will switched to paused, because HardwareMediaKeyHandling only supports one application tangled at the same time. Your YouTube videos are still playing, but the state is paused. It's not a well-thought design by Apple. The HardwareMediaKeyHandling can only be tied to one app at the same time.

The Amiron Wireless headset output seems to be tied to the media key state very strict, thus the headset stops its output as soon as the media key state switches to pause and only starts when it goes back into playing. I don't know why Beyerdynamics decided to silent the headset when the media state switches to pause, maybe to spare battery, but it's a terrible decision. My temporary fix always was to stop and restart the not working audio source. Now it makes sense why this worked, because the media state was switched from paused to playing in that process and the headset would pass-through audio again.

Google is not scared of the possibility of 5G making fiber uneconomic. Google is frustrated at the pace of deployment because both pole owners and the networks already attached to utility poles can dramatically slow critical access to those poles by using every day of their allotted time to make a pole ready for a new attacher. 006ab0faaa

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