Track: Sustainability as a Quality Concern (SQC)


The imperative for sustainable practices in software development has gained increasing prominence in recent years.  Addressing the intersection of sustainability and software engineering, the "Sustainability as a Quality Concern" track at QUATIC aims to advance research and explore how software engineering practices can contribute to a more sustainable future. We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute their insights on various aspects of sustainability within the realm of software engineering.


We welcome submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:


Chair:   Luis Cruz (Delft Technical University) and Maja Hanne Kirkeby (Roskilde University, DK)

Program Committee

Dr.  Luis Cruz is an Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at the Delft University of Technology and holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Porto, Portugal. He is also appointed as the Scientific Manager of the AI-for-Fintech Research lab, in collaboration with ING. Dr. Cruz has devoted the past years to improving education, research, and practice in the areas of Green AI and Software Engineering for AI. Some of his most famous works revolve around design patterns and automated tools to improve the energy efficiency of software code, having been awarded with a Most Influential Paper award at MOBILESoft 2023. Luís Cruz is also an avid writer in this field and often helps tech organizations in training and developing their staff in sustainable software engineering practices.

Dr. Maja Hanne Kirkeby is an Associate professor of computer science at the Department of People and Technology at Roskilde University. Maja researches in energy and resource consumption in software, program analysis, and program transformation. She is involved in several projects dealing with software’s energy consumption and leads the project “Energy labelling of websites”, see, e.g., Previous projects includes “Energy labelling of Software and Software Installations”, “Energy-certified Software Development and Operation”, and EU Horizon 2020 project "ENTRA: Whole-Systems Energy Transparency, together with the project “Hardware-Software Trade-off for the Reduction of Energy Consumption” that she lead.