Submission of extended abstracts: Friday, June 14, 2024 

Authors notification : Monday, July 1, 2024 


The International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology is a leading scientific conference that gathers experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and approaches regarding all quality aspects in ICT systems engineering and management. This forum seeks to foster lively discussion on how to further the state-of-the-art and define future directions, as well as to disseminate advanced new methods, techniques, and tools. QUATIC 2024, now in its 17th edition, will be hosted in Pisa, in the beautiful region of Tuscany in central Italy, straddling the Arno just before it empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea. The conference is organized into thematic tracks that serve as dedicated discussion venues on focused topics of interest. The thematic tracks can be consulted on the conference website. 

QUATIC 2024 invites practitioners and researchers to submit posters that present novel, recent and work-in-progress related to all aspects of Quality in ICT process, product, as well as practical tools and applications. Posters from students or researchers in their early career stage on new and exciting problems in all aspects of Quality in ICT are especially encouraged. 


Authors should provide an extended abstract of the poster with 2 to 4 pages using the Springer proceedings template. Extended abstracts should briefly describe the research challenge and detail your approach to the problem; also they should identify the key contributions of the work being presented in the poster. The contributions can refer to  research ideas and work in their early stages as well as evaluations. Providing preliminary results is suggested but not required. 

Extended abstracts will not be part of the conference Springer proceedings. However, authors of the best posters from QUATIC 2024 will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to a Special Issue on Quality Assurance in ICT-based Systems to be published in the Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software

All extended abstracts must conform to the Springer CCIS Format and be submitted through the EasyChair link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=quatic2024, selecting the Posters track.

Authors need to comply with Springer Nature Code of Conduct and QUATIC's Code of Ethical Conduct. The chairs will verify the originality of the submissions

At least one author of each accepted poster is expected to register and attend the conference to present the poster and discuss with conference attendees about their ongoing work.


In addition to the poster exhibition, a brief (1 slide, 2 minutes) introduction pitch for each poster is planned during a dedicated pitching session at the conference.


An award will be given for the best poster presentation (pitch and poster presentation).


Chairs: Guglielmo De Angelis (IASI-CNR, Italy) and José Pereira dos Reis (Iscte-IUL, Portugal) 

Guglielmo De Angelis research activity focuses on the design, the analysis, and the validation of complex distributed software systems, often abiding by the service-oriented paradigm. In his carrer he studied and developed frameworks in order to emphasize software design reuse and allow for early evaluation of system quality. For example, among the others he worked in different domains in order to: generate environments for distributed QoS testing, generate distributed and adaptable monitoring infrastructures for QoS, analytically predict performance parameters, empirically test performance parameters, test on-line QoS parameters such as trustworthiness. As detailed in the following, all these activities have been applied in the context of industrial projects (e.g. Ericsson Lab Italy), research projects (e.g. Italian MIUR founded, or E.U. founded), and international cooperations (e.g. University of California at Berkeley). Also, he is contributing in designing, developing, and maintaining Software Tools implementing the ideas proposed in such projects. Since 2007 he is also involved in teaching activities helding courses about software engineering approaches (i.e. modelling, analysis, and development) of complex and distributed software systems

José Pereira dos Reis holds a PhD in Information Science and Technology  by Iscte-IUL. Master's degree in Computer Engineering at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias (UNL - FCT), and  Bachelor’s degree in electrotechnical engineering (Systems and Communications) at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. At present, he is working in software engineering, specifically in software quality. He is a professor in the scientific area of computer Science, teaching subjects such as, software engineering, decision support systems, project management, information systems, etc. He was Quality Coordinator and Audit at Universidade Europeia - Laureate International Universities and Deputy direction at Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração de Lisboa. He collaborated with several companies, such as Conhecer Mais II- Consultoria em Tecnologias de Informação, Lda (this company is Business Solution Partner of Microsoft Business Solutions to market education and training in Portugal in developing ERP solutions), ITCODE (development the Zib - An addictive stock market game online learning), DBG (development of school management software), ENSINUS (coordinator of Information Technology Center), INSA-Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge (coordinator facilities Office and Equipment ), ATEC - Training Academy (Consultant / Trainer).