For one, Quartz is more extendable. When you create a need for cron like jobs, quartz allready has the support for this.The threads that are used by your application are also managed by quartz, so you don't have to be starting your own thread. It is nice that this is handled by the Quartz Scheduler.It also integrates with the spring framework (don't know if that is applicable in your case).Quartz has reasonable documentation and is backed by a community.

The job fires and ends its work. When it fires again is it the same instance (maybe set to sleep and awaken by the scheduler) or is it a new job instance (once the job ends it is killed and when the trigger condition is met again a new job instance is created)?

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I ask such question because when I debug my application (spring 3 mvc with quartz support) I see new instances of the job and new threads with SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThreadRun() opened for every time the job is fired so that the SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThreadRun() threads are piled up and never terminated.

Finally about threads - Quartz creates a fixed pool of worker threads (see org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount configuration option). Every time you run a job Quartz may decide to use a different thread - but it won't create new thread per every trigger.

The component uses either a CronTrigger or a SimpleTrigger. If no cron expression is provided, the component uses a simple trigger. If no groupName is provided, the quartz component uses the Camel group name.

Whether to interrupt jobs on shutdown which forces the scheduler to shutdown quicker and attempt to interrupt any running jobs. If this is enabled then any running jobs can fail due to being interrupted. When a job is interrupted then Camel will mark the exchange to stop continue routing and set java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException as caused exception. Therefore use this with care, as its often better to allow Camel jobs to complete and shutdown gracefully.

If set to true, then the trigger automatically delete when route stop. Else if set to false, it will remain in scheduler. When set to false, it will also mean user may reuse pre-configured trigger with camel Uri. Just ensure the names match. Notice you cannot have both deleteJob and pauseJob set to true.

If set to true, then the trigger automatically pauses when route stop. Else if set to false, it will remain in scheduler. When set to false, it will also mean user may reuse pre-configured trigger with camel Uri. Just ensure the names match. Notice you cannot have both deleteJob and pauseJob set to true.

Whether to ignore quartz cannot schedule a trigger because the trigger will never fire in the future. This can happen when using a cron trigger that are configured to only run in the past. By default, Quartz will fail to schedule the trigger and therefore fail to start the Camel route. You can set this to true which then logs a WARN and then ignore the problem, meaning that the route will never fire in the future.

In case of scheduler has already started, we want the trigger start slightly after current time to ensure endpoint is fully started before the job kicks in. Negative value shifts trigger start time in the past.

By default Quartz will look for a file in the org/quartz directory of the classpath. If you are using WAR deployments this means just drop the in WEB-INF/classes/org/quartz.

Camel adds the getters from the Quartz Execution Context as header values. The following headers are added:

 calendar, fireTime, jobDetail, jobInstance, jobRuntTime, mergedJobDataMap, nextFireTime, previousFireTime, refireCount, result, scheduledFireTime, scheduler, trigger, triggerName, triggerGroup.

Notice we define the scheduler=quartz to instruct Camel to use the Quartz based scheduler. Then we use options to configure the scheduler. The Quartz scheduler requires the cron option to be set.

Note the boolean argument to shutdown is the vital part. If you remove that true to call the no-arg version or set it to false, your webapp won't wait for quartz to shudown before it shuts down.

I need to be able to set up quartz to run depending on the profile. I am using an integration test to make sure that each profile is getting the scheduler started (or not), but I am checking a profile that doesn't have it enabled and this check is failing:

Hi i am creating an application that executes the method of a class based on a cron expression. For that i am using spring quartz in which i have to configure all these stuffs in my spring-file it works fine and jobs are executing based on the cron expression, But now i want to suspend the next execution of particular job in java class based on the choice of a user from UI. Then is there any way to do this ??

I had a similar problem but the problem was, I had 10 threads quartz default number of threads in quartz properties and when I made thread dump* I found that I have 10 jobs in blocked stat, which means that I can't run any more threads.

What I know so far is that the scheduler thread is waiting for a free worker thread. It looks like all of the worker threads are waiting for a semaphore in order to update their schedule. I haven't been able to get a thread dump yet to verify what the worker threads are waiting on.

I had a similar problem and unfortunately, none of the above answers helped me to figure out my problem. I am using quartz-2.3.2 version. First of all, i agree with some others, wherein most of the cases the scheduler not fired up, is caused due to threads race conditions which blocked and try to acquire the flag from the thread entered the critical zone and it does not release it. This simply smells a kind of bad code but anyway, i don't want to say again the same thing like the others did.I want to come up with my solution to give you the way on which i fixed the problem.

where upon a mis-fire situation the cronTrigger will be next fired at the started time which the scheduler is set on. For example in our case in At second :10, every 5 minutes starting at minute :10, of every hour.

When we move the build to production, the schedulers ran well and everything was fine until Saturday. On Saturday my scheduler was suddenly stopped. I didn't find any exception related to the scheduler in my app server (OC4J).

I think if I start the schedulers by calling the init servlet using some jsp request again makes the difference. It will be like seeing the profile (health of our schedulers and starting them again). If you have any better approach to start the scheduler then please suggest me.

Quartz is used for creating complex schedules having tens-of-thousands of jobs. The quartz scheduler supports several enterprise-class features, including clustering and JTA transaction.

If our Java application has some tasks that are required to occur at a specified time or if our system recurring maintenance jobs, Quartz may be our ideal solution. These are the following uses of the Quartz scheduler in Java:

Jobs scheduling is another feature of Quartz. We can schedule the jobs by using Quartz. We schedule the jobs to run when the specified trigger is fired. The jobs are added to the scheduler once, but they are registered with multiple triggers.

Any Java class that implements the Job interface is referred to as Job interface. These classes are executed by creating an instance of that Job class. The instance of that class can be instantiated by our application frameworks or Quartz. The scheduler notifies Java objects implementing TriggerListener and JobListener interfaces when a trigger is fired, and after the execution of the Jobs, these listeners are also notified.

Let's take an example to understand how we can implement the scheduler application with Quartz. In our example, we fire a job that invokes a business-related task every time. The program starts the Quartz scheduler and schedule job to run every minute.

Now, in order to schedule a Job, we have to create a scheduler application or Quartz scheduler application. There are five steps to schedule a job to run the task every time. These steps are as follows:

Update 2015-01-12: Unfortunately, the links in the list above broke when the forum was moved, and I'm unable to find new working links. I'll leave the links anyway, in case they help digging out the info from or elsewhere. The official Quartz forum is now quartz-scheduler on Google Groups.

Scheduler instances are produced by a SchedulerFactory. A scheduler that has already been created/initialized can be found and used through the same factory that produced it. After a Scheduler has been created, it is in "stand-by" mode, and must have its start() method called before it will fire any Jobs.

Client programs may also be interested in the 'listener' interfaces that are available from Quartz. The JobListener interface provides notifications of Job executions. The TriggerListener interface provides notifications of Trigger firings. The SchedulerListener interface provides notifications of Scheduler events and errors. Listeners can be associated with local schedulers through the ListenerManager interface.

Author: James House, Sharada JambulaSee Also:Job, JobDetail, JobBuilder, Trigger, TriggerBuilder, , JobListener, TriggerListener, SchedulerListenerField Summarystatic StringDEFAULT_FAIL_OVER_GROUP

 A constant Trigger group name used internally by the scheduler - clients should not use the value of this constant ("FAILED_OVER_JOBS") for the name of a Trigger's group.static StringDEFAULT_GROUP

 A (possibly) useful constant that can be used for specifying the group that Job and Trigger instances belong to.static StringDEFAULT_RECOVERY_GROUP

 A constant Trigger group name used internally by the scheduler - clients should not use the value of this constant ("RECOVERING_JOBS") for the name of a Trigger's group.static StringFAILED_JOB_ORIGINAL_TRIGGER_FIRETIME_IN_MILLISECONDS

 A constant JobDataMap key that can be used to retrieve the fire time of the original Trigger from a recovery trigger's data map in the case of a job recovering after a failed scheduler instance.static StringFAILED_JOB_ORIGINAL_TRIGGER_GROUP

 A constant JobDataMap key that can be used to retrieve the group of the original Trigger from a recovery trigger's data map in the case of a job recovering after a failed scheduler instance.static StringFAILED_JOB_ORIGINAL_TRIGGER_NAME

 A constant JobDataMap key that can be used to retrieve the name of the original Trigger from a recovery trigger's data map in the case of a job recovering after a failed scheduler instance. Method Summary voidaddCalendar(String calName, Calendar calendar, boolean replace, boolean updateTriggers)

 Add (register) the given Calendar to the Scheduler. voidaddJob(JobDetail jobDetail, boolean replace)

 Add the given Job to the Scheduler - with no associated Trigger. booleancheckExists(JobKey jobKey)

 Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler. booleancheckExists(TriggerKey triggerKey)

 Determine whether a Trigger with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler. voidclear()

 Clears (deletes!) all scheduling data - all Jobs, Triggers Calendars. booleandeleteCalendar(String calName)

 Delete the identified Calendar from the Scheduler. booleandeleteJob(JobKey jobKey)

 Delete the identified Job from the Scheduler - and any associated Triggers. booleandeleteJobs(List jobKeys)

 Delete the identified Jobs from the Scheduler - and any associated Triggers. CalendargetCalendar(String calName)

 Get the Calendar instance with the given name. ListgetCalendarNames()

 Get the names of all registered Calendars. SchedulerContextgetContext()

 Returns the SchedulerContext of the Scheduler. ListgetCurrentlyExecutingJobs()

 Return a list of JobExecutionContext objects that represent all currently executing Jobs in this Scheduler instance. JobDetailgetJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)

 Get the JobDetail for the Job instance with the given key. ListgetJobGroupNames()

 Get the names of all known JobDetail groups. SetgetJobKeys(GroupMatcher matcher)

 Get the keys of all the JobDetails in the matching groups. ListenerManagergetListenerManager()

 Get a reference to the scheduler's ListenerManager, through which listeners may be registered. SchedulerMetaDatagetMetaData()

 Get a SchedulerMetaData object describing the settings and capabilities of the scheduler instance. SetgetPausedTriggerGroups()

 Get the names of all Trigger groups that are paused. StringgetSchedulerInstanceId()

 Returns the instance Id of the Scheduler. StringgetSchedulerName()

 Returns the name of the Scheduler. TriggergetTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey)

 Get the Trigger instance with the given key. ListgetTriggerGroupNames()

 Get the names of all known Trigger groups. SetgetTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher matcher)

 Get the names of all the Triggers in the given group. List 006ab0faaa

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