Okay I have a 2015 macbook air 4gb ram 128gb internal hard drive space. I set up both my iTunes and apple tv app to download all movies, tv shows, and music to my external hard drive 8TB. I own/purchsased 2TB of entertainment it took me a whole week to download everything and I made sure they would play from my external hard drive too. My issue that I have yet again is the APPLE TV APP will sometimes let me play the shows and sometimes it will not. So I remove my download show Then the APPLE TV APP will allow me to play it, I've already went into setting and told the app to go through my external hard drive so sometimes it works and a lot of the time it doesn't. It just has the colored Death wheel that spins and spins and spins. Does anyone know how to correct this issue that I am having. Now if I remove the download and play the movie when I have an internet connection it will play. But I would like to play my shows and music without an internet connections, is their anyone that can make a new detail video of how to set this up correctly where everything works well in harmony with no issues. I've seen so many videos from 3 to 13 years ago and they all worked well but it's 2022 and things aren't working so well with this Apple TV app. Thanks if anyone answers with a detailed how to video for 2022. Peace

update April 2, 2022, wow after all this time I've been going nuts hardly anyone from apple wants to text talk to me or even figure it out, Well here's the update if anyone is having the same issues!

Can You Download Movies From Apple Tv To External Hard Drive

Download 🔥 https://urlin.us/2y7Nm0 🔥

So you purchased your tv show or movie from apple tv/ iTunes you've done everything right with watching videos on youth tube and getting your external hard drive set up all that is working correctly. And you even see the show/movie or music album download to your external hard drive. Okay next set is to check to see if your signed in to your account while the apple tv app is open and you can see that on your laptop, okay you click on the play button to see if the movies play. it doesn't? Why

Okay that's weird, I just tried to transfer a photo to desktop then insert the photo and its somehow sideways sorry. oh I did have my phone vertical too not sideways. lol But this where the files are going too. I sometimes can watch them and other times I can't? but if i remove the movie download and hit play I can watch them of course its playing through wifi. Yeah I've tried to open the file on my external hard drive going exactly to the file itself and opening it up with apple tv app default and still the color wheel of death shows up. It just keeps spinning and spinning forever, so i have to force quit on it just to close the apple tv app to stop the action. Its crazy weird. I think its somehow not connecting I wonder if I can delete the Apple tv app and try to download it from the apple app store. SMH I'll probably see if there is a youth tube video on that first before i try it.

APPLE TV APP for the Macbook air is by far the worst application i've ever worked with, I've tried everything, from reset it to changing my files pathway to my external hard drive for the apple tv app on the laptop. I've tried it off wifi nothing, I've tried off wifi with my external hard drive hook up, and by searching for the movie/tv show on the external hard drive itself trying to open it with apple tv app, or real player, and i even downloaded an app to try to open it, still nothing, What ****** me off the most is when I have to force quit it every time it will not play the shows then it ask me to report it, then seconds later it asks me to comment in the comment box. Which I do yes I've gone off in them and lately i've type what exactly what is going on with the apple tv app and what its doing. No it's just like typing to a brick wall. I just ignore it and then open the apple tv app look for the show that I want to watch then remove the download and back out of the apple tv app on the laptop then go back into it then I am able to open the movie/tv show that i've already purchased and download to my external hard drive to watch it after I've removed the download show from my hard drive. UGH If I could work on the app myself I would go into it and fix it. !

I'm getting pretty close to doing it myself if APPLE CAN"T! The old iTunes app was waaaaay better than this one, easier to switch back and forth from internal or the external hard drive for music or media. Obviously this apple tv app has issues. APPLE I'M Begging you guys please help! Here's a picture of the force quit and the Colored wheel of death! ???

Hello, Well they are on the same network But what I'm talking about is my MacBook which has on it the apple tv app icon, I have a external hard drive hooked up to the MacBook. So both my iTunes app and apple tv app preferences files setting location is just only going into my external hard drive which is just /8tb. Nothing else is in front of the /8tb for the location of the external hard drive, and everything was downloaded to that external hard drive. I've checked the m4v files for the movies, tv shows and music. Like I said before sometimes the apple tv app on my MacBook finds them and plays them and other times it doesn't, now if I remove the download m4v file (movie or tv show) from my external hard drive within the apple tv app has no problems playing it. Which is weird because i see them on the external hard drive itself. I've tried the system preferences and file location to the external hard drive media sharing but still nothing their both on the same network there's no other network to put them on. I just wanted to watch the shows without the wifi being on, it seems there's something else that i am not seeing, hopefully I won't have to start over what a nightmare. lol, Now if I go onto my fire stick 4k then go to the apple tv app icon, click it on the movies and tv shows play fine, but i have to have the wifi on to do that that works really well too. Also when it was just the old iTunes app on the MacBook what was it I think five years back I had no problems setting everything up and playing whatever I wanted to play either wifi or wifi off, everything played fine.

lIke I said up above When I set up my external hard drive for Apple Music App or the Apple TV app it asks which location do you want your downloads to go, then after a few seconds it also asks if you want them organized which it automatically does. MMM

I know this didn't happen two years ago everything was running fine, I even broke down and got an extra external hard drive to to see if it was the external hard drive causing the problems but nope it's the apple tv app causing the problems hopefully one of their technician sees this and does something about it. Running dL 100 uploads 11 on the internet so I know its not the internet either.

I just bought a new Macbook air and it comes with the new operating system Catalina. With this system I cannot use ITUNES. So I used Apple TV app to buy movies. I want to move these movies to my external hard drive to save space on the computer. When I drag over ,or copy to the external hard drive, Iam not able to replay them form the external hard drive, get the message cannot be read. is there a simple way to do this like I have been doing for years with Itunes?

You can change the location of the TV application's media folder using TV > Preferences > Files, the consolidate your media to a folder on the external drive, or alternatively create a new library on the external drive (hold down option as you launch TV) so it is easier to backup the whole thing and move it to a new computer at a later date.

This might sound dumb... My iMac Time Machine backups started failing because the source iMac hard drive was full. I took a look and saw that a ton of space is being taken up by movie files from movies I have been purchasing from Apple's TV app that is on the iMac. I had kind of assumed that when I bought a movie it would download a small metadata file or something, and when I clicked to watch it either on the iMac or on an Apple TV or Apple TV app on my smart TV, it would stream. Instead, it looks like there are full files downloaded into my iTunes folder.

For those of you who purchase movies/TV series from the TV app, how do you store those? Do you use an external hard drive for them? Are there best practices for this so I can keep purchasing movies without taking up my computer's space? Sorry if these are basic questions, I was genuinely surprised to see those files there and I want to make sure I have a good setup going forward.

I am not a able to get my iPad (Running version 13 iOS) to play stored movies purchased through iTunes. Why is that? The 34gb iPad I bought does not hold more than 2 movies, but I buy all my movies through apple, and should be able to download them where I like. So, why will why iPad not accept these externally stored iTunes movies?

I have long gone back to purchasing actual physical media or just renting recent movies ( I wouldn't want to own, anyways ) from Apple's iTunes store and delete them from my devices when I am done watching them. 006ab0faaa

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