
Our current research can be broadly divided into two core topics: quantum magnetism and thermoelectricity. In quantum magnets, our thrust is on crystal growth and magnetic characterizations using ac/dc magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and thermal transport. More advanced measurements are often performed in collaboration with research groups within India and abroad. While we have been working on quantum magnets for a while now, we started taking an interest in thermoelectrics rather recently. Here, we mainly focus on two classes of materials: (i) the liquid-like superionic thermoelectrics, which show an intrinsically low thermal conductivity, typifying the 'phonon-liquid electron-crystal' concept, and (ii) defect- or entropy-stabilized half-Heusler alloys. Since a good part of our research efforts is devoted to material synthesis, and due to our particular expertise in the crystal growth of quantum materials, we have a dedicated page on the crystal growth of quantum materials. Here, you will find images of the crystals recently grown in our lab. Besides material synthesis, our research involves measurements of various physical quantities to elucidate the structure-property relationship. Here is a page that lists the standard measurement probes that we use, with a particular emphasis on the probes developed in-house.   

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