Quantification of Learning in Virtual Learning Environments

In conjunction with ICCE 2023

December 4-8, 2023

Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN

Due to the increasing availability of computers and technology, virtual learning is gaining popularity due to its accessibility and flexibility. Virtual learning can typically be grouped into two categories – asynchronous learning through courses on online learning platform such as Coursera, Skillshare, Khan Academy, Udemy, and synchronous learning through real-time seminars via platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams. Both setups hope to retent learning in long-term memory for easy recall and transfer to different domains by incorporating some factors:

This workshop seeks to explore and discuss the following questions (but not limited to):

 We are calling for papers to address the following topics (not limited to):

The goal of this workshop is to share different perspectives on the quantification of learning, particularly in virtual learning environments.

Paper Submission

Paper format

This workshop looks for Full and Short papers that follow the author guidelines of ICCE2023.

Please download the latest version of the Paper Template file in preparing your manuscript.

Double anonymized review

This workshop practices double-blind review, i.e., the authors of the submitting papers will not know who their referees are, while the referees will be aware of the authors of the papers that they are reviewing. Anonymization is no longer required in the submitted manuscripts.


Please submit your paper via email to the WS chair: Cheryl Wong, Cheryl_Wong@i2r.a-star.edu.sg

All accepted papers will be published in proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion in Scopus. All papers should follow the paper format of the main conference.

Important Dates

Submission Due: Aug. 18

Please refer to the announcement of the ICCE2023 conference website.