Google Group

Membership of the quakersinrugby group is managed using Google Groups. All that is required to be a member is an email address. To be added to the group, request this via a General Enquiry

To send an email to the whole group (i.e. all Quakers in Rugby), any member can send an email to:

Be sure that you are sending from the email address that was added to the group and not any other you might have. Google prevents those not on the list from sending to the group.

Emails sent out to members of the group have a subject which is prefixed with [Quakers In Rugby]. Members can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions found at the bottom each email.

Be careful, if you hit reply you are replying to the whole group not just the writer!

For edit rights to the calendar and to access to private documents, member email addresses must have an associated Google Account. If you don’t already have a Google Account associated with your email address (you will have this automatically if you are using Gmail ), then you can set this up for free When prompted, make sure you select “Use my current email address instead,” otherwise you will have accidentally created a new Gmail address!

Group members can view all messages previously sent to the group.

For the few that have the permission, group administration is available online.