QT Future
Quantum Technology initiative QT Future started in the Fall of 2023 within PhD Program in Physics at University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics). Students enrolled to QT Future can implement their PhD research in the most advanced QT labs, mostly across Europe (Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Neel Institute in Grenoble, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Delft Technical University, Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot).
The initiative is developing with major scientific support from Google Quantum AI and the Center of excellence in nanoscience and nanotechnology – Nanocenter in Ljubljana. It covers both theoretical and experimental research and education in quantum many-body physics, physics of quantum computers and simulators, new quantum materials, nano-electronics and quantum optics.
QT-Future research involves CENN Nanocenter, Josef Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana and partner labs from Europe and Israel. The list of specific research topics is flexible, currently it includes also a number of problems formulated by Google Quantum.
Ljubljana PhD School on Quantum Physics – 2024 based on QT-Future (June 10 – July 3) collects theoretical and experimental courses for postdocs, MSc and PhD students working in the field of quantum solid-state physics and technology.
QT Future PhD program started in 2023 is organized for people planning to work later either in academic or high-tech sectors and to deal with rapidly developing branches of quantum technology. Students can be supervised by scientists from various countries being active in this field. Internship at Google Quantum is a realistic option, but subject to approval in each personal case.
QT-Future seminars are presented by either by guests, or by our PhD students in frames of physics seminar in Jozef Stefan Institute, or of theoretical seminar of the University of Ljubljana.