
StatsLE Lab | Statistics, Learning, and Engineering

StatsLE Openings

Before you proceed, please read here

Our group is looking for students, interns, visitors, postdocs, and industry collaborators. We generally work on generative and trustworthy AI research, and the foundation of next-generation statistics. When contacting me, please use the email subject "Prospective intern/visiting student/PhD (pick one): Your Name - Your Affiliation".  Please read the instructions before getting in touch. I travel frequently, and I apologize in advance if I am slow in responding to your emails. 

  • Prospective PhDs: I typically take 1-3 PhD students in statistics and computer science per year. We are mainly looking for students on GenAI and trustworthy AI.  Before contacting me, please read the followings carefully. 
    1. I value students' research ethics, hardworking, and independence over all other merits. 
    2. If you are interested in joining StatsLE, the best way is to get in touch early and do a research project with us. This works as a trial period to see if we are a good fit.  We usually take PhDs from our own interns; see research interns below for details. 
    3. When preparing your applications, you should apply to the graduate program in statistics or the graduate program in computer science. In your cover letter and personal/research statement, please state how your research interests align with mine.

Some more details about our ongoing research and engineering work

If you are interested in joining our group as interns and students, please read the followings carefully. 

Please consider to take STAD80, if

you are a UofT undergraduate or master student looking for some research experience and independent research projects for the first time. This course uses independent research projects as part of the evaluation. If you think you have a compelling story though, for example, you are an ICPC world finalist (strong in engineering), feel free to reach out. I apologize in advance if I am slow in responding to your emails.