
“A teacher is a person who passes down the Dao, imparts professional knowledge and resolves doubt."  - Han Y

"师者,所以传道受业解惑也"  - 韩愈

Courses Taught

Deep Learning Materials

Understanding Deep Learning by Simon Prince

Machine Learning 2021 by Hung-yi Lee (focus on general deep learning)

Machine Learning 2023 by Hung-yi Lee (focus on generative AI)

Generative AI 2024 by Hung-yi Lee

Transformers at Hugginface

Trustworthy ML by Kush R. Varshney (focus on concepts)

Trustworthy ML by Mucsányi el al. (focus on OOD generalization, XAI, and uncertainty)

STAD80: Analysis of Big Data

The prerequisites for STAD80 are STAC58H3, STAC67H3, and CSCC11H3. Please plan ahead if you want to take this course. (I am on leave from 2023 to 2024. So this course will not be offered in 2024. Please plan ahead.)

Topics for Winter 2023

Other potential topics: Self-supervised learning (contrastive- and masked- based),  transfer learning (representation, fine and prompt tuning, lifelong, negative transfers), dependence learning (Gaussian graphical models, random dot graphs, and GNNs), network compression, ensemble learning (bagging, stacking, boosting, and meta learning). 

Independent Research Projects

Unfortunately, I no longer have time/energy to supervise independent research projects unless in exceptional circumstances. If you think you have a compelling story though, for example, you have published papers in top ML/Stats venues or you are an ICPC world finalist, feel free to reach out. Otherwise, please consider to take STAD80 instead. 

Deep Learning Theory

I will have a new semester-long course on deep learning theory (DLT) in the year of 2023--2024. Stay tuned and check back later.

Trustwothy AI

I will have a new semester-long course on Trustworthy AI in the year of 2023--2024. Stay tuned and check back later.