Research Interests

Free-space/on-chip THz spectroscopy

THz metasurface biosensor

Meta-atoms integrated THz waveguides (on-chip)

Enhanced THz spectral-fingerprint detection using tapered CPW (on-chip)

Physics of low-dimensional materials in THz frequency range

Tuneable THz plasmonic filter based on 2DEG-HEMT (on-chip)

Monitoring of crystallisation process using THz spectroscopy (free-space)

Graphene-based tuneable THz polariser (free-space)

FEM/FDTD simulations

Simulation of E-field near the metasurface (free-space) 

Simulation of E-field near the CPW 

Simulated 2D cancer imaging using a meta-atom probe (on-chip) 

Park Lab

Centre for Electronics

Antennas & Electromagnetics Research Group

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Queen Mary University of London

London, E1 4NS, United Kingdom