QMUL-City Workshop in Economic Theory


Date: 10-11 June 2024

Location: Queen Mary University of London 
Mile End Campus
Room: Law 210
Travel info


Lucie Ménager (Panthéon-Assas)

Stephen Morris (MIT)

Dan Quigley (Oxford)

Doron Ravid (Chicago)

Julia Salmi (Copenhagen)

Sara Shahanaghi (TSE)

Maria Titova (Vanderbilt) 

Programme (in pdf)

Monday, 10 June 2024

09.15  Arrival

09.30 – 9.40 Opening Remarks


Session 1


09.40-10.20  Alkis Georgiadis-Harris (Warwick)

Preparing to Act  


10.20-11.00  Deniz Kattwinkel (UCL)

Robust Robustness (with Ian Ball)


11.00-11:30  Coffee break


11:30-12.10  Johannes Horner (TSE)

What you don't know might be good for you (with Larry Samuelson)


12.10-13:40 Lunch


Session 2


13.40-14.20  Nicolas Klein (Montreal)

Non-Common Priors, Incentives, and Promotions: The Role of Learning (with Matthias Fahn)


14.20-15.00  Lucie Ménager (Panthéon-Assas)

Racing with a Rearview Mirror: Innovation Lag and Investment Dynamics (with Nicolas Klein and Chantal Marlats)


15.00-15.30  Coffee break


Session 3 


15.30-16.10  Doron Ravid (Chicago)

Robust Predictions in Games with Rational Inattention (with Tommaso Denti)


16.10-16.50  Henrique Castro Pires (Surrey)

Incentives and Selection (with George Georgiadis)


17.00-18.30  Happy hour


18.30  Workshop dinner (by invitation)


Tuesday, 11 June 2024


09.15  Arrival


Session 4


9.30-10.10 Sara Shahanaghi (TSE)

Investment Timing and Reputation


10.10-10.50 Julia Salmi (Copenhagen)

Dynamic Evidence Disclosure: Delay the Good to Accelerate the Bad (with Jan Knoepfle)


10.50-11.20  Coffee break


11.20-12.00 Stephen Morris (MIT)

Optimal Policy in Coordination Problems


12.00-13.00  Lunch


Session 5 


13.00-13.40 Dan Quigley (Oxford)

Aggregating Strategic Information (with James Best, Maryam Saeedi and Ali Shourideh)   


13.40-14.20  Maria Titova (Vanderbilt)

Coalition-Proof Disclosure (with Germán Gieczewski)


14.20-14:40  Coffee break


Session 6


14.40-15.20  Thomas Brzustowski (Essex)

Encouraging a Go-Getter


15.20-16.00  Toomas Hinnosaar (Nottingham)

Pricing Novel Goods (with Francesco Giovannoni)


With financial support from City University and Queen Mary University London 

Organisers: Jan Knoepfle (QMUL) and Arina Nikandrova (City)