

Introduction and overview of the methods

📝 Main references: Cameron and Trivedi (2022), Cunningham (2020), Gordon et al (2019).

Matching methods 


📝 Main references: Almond et al (2005), Cattaneo (2010), Cunningham (2020), Hitt and Frei (2002), Huntington-Klein (2021).


🖫 Datasets: birth_weight from Cattaneo (2010), training_example from Cunningham (2020)

Difference in Differences – Advanced tools I

-          Repeated cross sections vs. panel data

-          Bias of the TWFE and the Bacon decomposition

-          Over time and across cohorts

-          Challenges associated with staggered DiD


📝 Main references: Baker et al (2022), Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021), Cunningham (2020), Goodman-Bacon (2021), Kretschmer and Peukert (2020).


🖫 Datasets: castle_doctrine_law from Cheng and Hoekstra (2013), callaway from Cunningham (subset from Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021)). 

Difference in Differences – Advanced tools II


📝 Main references : Bertrand et al (2004), Butt (2021), Boehmer et al (2020), Callaway et al (2024), Cameron and Trivedi (2022), Cunningham (2020), Olden and Moen (2022), Zuo (2021).


🖫 Datasets: management_style from Lo et al (2022), organs from Kessler and Roth (2012), michelin from Favaron et al (2022), fracking from Bartik et al (2016) adapted in Callaway et al (2024)

Synthetic Control 


📝 Main references: Abadie et al (2010), Abadie et al (2015), Abadie (2021), Cameron and Trivedi (2022), Cunnigham (2020), Zohrehvand et al (2023).


🖫 Datasets: texas from Cornwell and Cunningham (2016), repgermany from Abadie et al (2015), selfdriving_cars from Courthoud (2022).

Regression Discontinuity Design


📝 Main references: Cameron and Trivedi (2022), Cunningham (2020), Huntington-Klein (2021), Bradley et al (2017), Flammer and Bansal (2017).


🖫 Datasets: gov_transfs from Manacorda et al (2011), mortgage from Feller (2013), diplomas from Clark and Martorell (2014).