Publications in peer-reviewed journals (In case I miss updating this part on time, please visit my Google Scholar or ResearchGate page)


16. G C Wang, Q Su, L Wang. Evolution of cooperation with joint liability. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 19 (188), 20220082.

15. Q Su, A McAvoy, JB Plotkin. Evolution of cooperation with contextualized behavior. Science Advances 8 (6), eabm6066. Link...

14. Q Su, A McAvoy, Y Mori, JB Plotkin. Evolution of prosocial behaviours in multilayer populations. Nature Human Behaviour. Link...

13. Q Su, B Allen, JB Plotkin. Evolution of cooperation with asymmetric social interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (1), e2113468118. Link...


12. G C Wang, Q Su, L Wang. Evolution of state-dependent strategies in stochastic games. Journal of Theoretical Biology 110818. Link...


11. A Li, L Zhou, Q Su, SP Cornelius, YY Liu, L Wang, SA Levin. Evolution of cooperation on temporal networks. Nature communications 11 (1), 1-9

10. W Li, L Tian, H Liu, Q Su. Heterogeneous adoption of eco-innovation considering commuting mobility patterns. Journal of Cleaner Production 250, 119499.


9. Q Su, A McAvoy, L Wang, MA Nowak. Evolutionary dynamics with game transitions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Link...

8. Q Su, A Li, L Wang, HE Stanley. Spatial reciprocity in the evolution of cooperation . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1900), 20190041 . Link...

7. Q Su, L Zhou, L Wang. Evolutionary multiplayer games on graphs with edge diversity. PLoS Computational Biology 15 (4), e1006947. Link...


6. Q Su, L Wang, HE Stanley. Understanding spatial public goods games on three-layer networks . New Journal of Physics 20 (10), 103030 . Link...

5. Q Su, A Li, L Wang. Evolution of cooperation with interactive identity and diversity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 442, 149-157. Link...


4. Q Su, A Li, L Wang. Evolutionary dynamics under interactive diversity. New Journal of Physics 19 (10), 103023. Link...

3. Q Su, A Li, L Wang. Spatial structure favors cooperative behavior in the snowdrift game with multiple interactive dynamics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 468, 299-306. Link...


2. Q Su, A Li, L Zhou, L Wang. Interactive diversity promotes the evolution of cooperation in structured populations. New Journal of Physics 18 (10), 103007. Link...

1. Y Zhang, Q Su, C Sun. Intermediate-range migration furnishes a narrow margin of efficiency in the two-strategy competition. PloS ONE 11 (5), e0155787. Link...


  • 2022, July Evolution of cooperation with asymmetric social interactions, Annual Conference of National Game Theory and Experimental Economics Research Society, Shanghai, China

  • 2022, May Evolutionary game dynamics in any multilayer networks. The 18th China Networks Science Forum in 2022, Chendu, China

  • 2022, July Asymmetric interactions can promote cooperation (with B. Allen, J. B. Plotkin). Network Science 2022 (the flagship conference of the international Network Science Society), Shanghai, China

  • 2022, May Coupling multiple domains of interactions promotes prosocial behavior” with A. McAvoy, Y. Mori, J. B. Plotkin. The Spring Eastern Virtual Sectional Meeting, USA (formerly at Tufts University)

  • 2021, Dec. Evolutionary game theory on complex networks. Beihang University Eleventh Vision Forum for International Young Scholars, Beihang University.

  • 2021, May R Tang, Q Su, B Wu, L Wang. Payoff control in repeated games. The 33rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference. Zhang Si-Ying (CCDC) Outstanding Youth Paper Award.