Welcome to Qi's website

Please feel free to contact me for any academic research!

Email: qisu@sjtu.edu.cn (preferred), qisu1991@gmail.com

Current address: Room 218, Carolyn Lynch Laboratory, Philadelphia, PA 19104,  USA

Working experience

Associate Professor (Tenure-Track), Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Research Fellow, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, UK (in Prof. Alex J. Stewart's group)

Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics and Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA (in Prof.  Joshua B. Plotkin's  group and Yoichiro Mori's group)  

Ph.D. in Mechanical Systems and Control, Peking University, Beijing, China       (Advisor: Long Wang)

B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China     (Advisor: Jiajie Guo )

Visiting Student in Department of Mathematics and Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA (in Prof.  Joshua B. Plotkin's group and  Yoichiro Mori's group) 

Visiting Student in Program of Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University, MA, USA (In Prof. Martin A. Nowak's group)

Visiting Student in Department of Physics, Boston University, MA, USA   (In Prof. H. Eugene Stanley's group)

Research interests (include but not limited to)