
 I. Time lapse of yeast

B. B. Kaufmann, Q. Yang, J. T. Mettetal, and A. van Oudenaarden

Heritable stochastic switching revealed by single-cell genealogy

PLoS Biology 5, e239 (2007).

Movie 1: This movie show a single OFF cell as it grows over 690 minutes into a small colony of 16 cells. Images show phase contrast image overlaid with fluorescence in purple. Colored circles and zoomed panels (below) highlight the dynamics of four individual cells: the original progenitor cell (1), its first two children (1-1 and 1-2), and its first granddaughter (1-1-1). Before 600 minutes, no cells have fluoresced. In the last 90 minutes, a group of cells all switch nearly synchronously from the OFF to the ON state. Time between images is 30 minutes.


 II. Time lapse of  cyanobacteria with segmentation and lineage labeling