I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Clemson University. My research focuses on advancing crop and water management through a multidisciplinary approach. 

By integrating field measurements, advanced process models (e.g., crop modeling and earth system modeling), geospatial big data, remote sensing, model-data integration, and artificial intelligence, we aim to develop state-of-the-art monitoring and forecasting systems to support effective crop and water management strategies. These systems will facilitate regional agricultural adaptations by providing actionable insights and tools for farmers in South Carolina and beyond, enabling them to optimize field management practices and enhance agricultural resilience under a changing climate. 

I am recruiting multiple self-motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral researchers and graduate students on crop modeling, surface hydrology, environmental systems modeling, and environmental data science. Please refer to the recruiting flyer for more details. 

Office:  242 McAdams Hall, 

Clemson, SC, 29634


⚛️Research Areas

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               Hydrological Science

                Texas A&M University

                Peking University

              Computer Science (dual)

               Ocean University of China

A Calibration-free Priestley-Taylor Method for ET
