I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Clemson University. My research focuses on advancing crop and water management through a multidisciplinary approach.
By integrating field measurements, advanced process models (e.g., crop modeling and earth system modeling), geospatial big data, remote sensing, model-data integration, and artificial intelligence, we aim to develop state-of-the-art monitoring and forecasting systems to support effective crop and water management strategies. These systems will facilitate regional agricultural adaptations by providing actionable insights and tools for farmers in South Carolina and beyond, enabling them to optimize field management practices and enhance agricultural resilience under a changing climate.
I am recruiting multiple self-motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral researchers and graduate students on crop modeling, surface hydrology, environmental systems modeling, and environmental data science. Please refer to the recruiting flyer for more details.
⚛️Research Areas
Evapotranspiration modeling and irrigation decision support tools
Climate change impacts on crop production and evaluation of adaptation strategies
Water-Environment-Energy-Food Nexus
Machine learning application in agriculture
Ph.D. in Water Management &
Hydrological Science
Texas A&M University
M.S. in Environmental Science
Peking University
B.S. in Environmental Science
Computer Science (dual)
Ocean University of China
02/2025 [Talk] Dr. Su gave a talk on “Advancing Climate-Resilient Water and Crop Management” at the PES Spring Seminar Series, Clemson University.
02/2025 [Paper] Dr. Su’s paper on calibration and bias correction of seasonal weather forecasts from the North American Multi-Model Ensemble: Potential applications for regional crop modelling and irrigation management was published online in The Journal of Agricultural Science.
02/2025 [Paper] Dr. Su’s review paper on the growing trend of saltwater intrusion and its impact on coastal agriculture: Challenges and opportunities was published online in Science of the Total Environment.
01/2025 [Service] Dr. Su participated in the Water SC Working Group meeting on Jan 16, which focused on discussing the status of surface water in SC.
12/2024 [Paper] Dr. Su led a multi-institute team to develop a novel lightweight model for real-time multiclass tiny pest detection and mobile platform deployment-GBiDC-PEST. The paper was published online in Journal of Integrative Agriculture.
11/2024 [Service] Dr. Su participated in the Water SC Working Group meeting on Nov 22, which focused on discussing strategies for sustainable water management that align with the State's economic, environmental, and social priorities.
11/2024 [Paper] Dr. Su’s co-authored book chapter on enhancing resilience in hydroponic crops with Silicon: insights into growth enhancement and stress mitigation was published online in the book Sustainable Plant Nutrition and Soil Carbon Sequestration by Springer.
11/2024 [Talk] Our research about “Crop model, sensor, and machine learning based approaches for irrigation decision support” was presented at ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
11/2024 [Grant] Dr. Su was awarded a graduate funding from GRA_AGSC with Drs. Sahoo, Waickowski, and Sawyer to develop an integrated model-based decision support framework to manage stormwater under a changing climate. We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join our Sustainable Water Resources Research Team starting in Fall 2025. [Hire]
10/2024 [Paper] Dr. Su’s review paper on advancing irrigation management: integrating technology and sustainability to address global food security was published online in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
10/2024 [Teaching] Dr. Su developed a web-based reference evapotranspiration calculator for AGM 4020 Irrigation System Design to help students understand the differences between the three ET methods.
10/2024 [Paper] Dr. Su’s co-authored paper on water stress detection in cotton using a center pivot irrigation system-mounted sensor package was published online in Scientific Reports!
09/2024 [Teaching] Dr. Su developed a web-based Extraterrestrial radiation calculator for AGM 4020 Irrigation Design to help students understand the global extraterrestrial radiation change.
08/2024 Our group website is live! Go Tigers!