Useful websites for self-study of model analysis in fluid flow

Aug 25,2021

UK Fluids Network (A useful website for basic concepts and codes)

The magic of thinking big (David Schwartz, PhD)

Sep 4, 2021

An enlightening book I've recently read. “A person is a product of his own thoughts. Believe Big. Adjust your thermostat forward. Launch your success offensive with honest, sincere belief that you can succeed. Believe big and grow big.”

How to change the line space in itemize environment in latex

April 20,2023

For example:


\setlength\itemsep{1em}.  % 1em space \quad

\item blablabla

\item blablabla


Using python subprocess to run SLURM script

Oct 30 2023

sbatch -W, --wait

Do not exit until the submitted job terminates. The exit code of the sbatch command will be the same as the exit code of the submitted job

sbatch -d, --dependency

Defer the start of this job until the specificed dependencies have been satisfied completed