Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes Workshop II

24-26 MAY, 2023

We are currently running a new edition of the workshop

After the success of the previous edition of this Workshop, with more than 300 participants and over 60 talks, we are pleased to announce the second edition of the Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes Workshop, to be held in person, at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA), in Granada, Spain, 24-26 May of 2023.

The deadline for the abstract submission is 14th of March.

The deadline for the abstract submission has been extended to March 24th.

The schedule will be published on Wednesday 29th.

The deadline for payment is April 7th (Friday). 

The study of quantum fields in curved spacetime has delivered many important insights not only in the regime of extreme gravitational phenomena, but also in the foundations of quantum field theory. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers with different backgrounds and levels of expertise to foment discussions around fundamental topics within the field: 

As a new feature for this second edition we intend to branch out discussions into fields that are not usually given the spotlight within the community but are nonetheless crucial to its foundation. In particular, we plan to include topics related with quantum gravity, namely how QFTCS fits within the different approaches toward quantum gravity. We strongly encourage the participation of researchers from the field of quantum gravity with an interest in phenomenology and QFTCS. 

Invited Speakers

Past edition: Workshop 2022