October 13-14, 2022 -- at the Fields Institute, Toronto ON

Workshop on
Quantum Computing and Operations Research

A workshop to bring together the quantum computing and operations research communities, featuring three lectures, multiple research talks, a poster session, and plenty of opportunities for discussion.

Most talks were recorded and can be watched here.

This webpage contains links to the slides and posters presented at that workshop, that were kindly made available by the presenters.

Workshop schedule (Eastern time)

Day 1

Day 2

  • 9AM-10:30AM: Michael P Friedlander: Large scale convex optimization

  • 10:30AM-11:15AM: Tamás Terlaky: On quantum interior point methods for linear and semidefinite optimization

  • 11:30AM-12:15PM: Eleanor Rieffel: Quantum, quantum-classical hybrid, and distributed quantum algorithms for problems in operations research

  • 12:15-1:30PM: Lunch break

  • 1:30PM-2:15PM: Xiaodi Wu: Quantum Hamiltonian descent

  • 2:15PM-2:45PM: Sarah Powers: Mapping the applicability of the QAOA algorithm to the OR landscape

  • 2:45PM-3:15PM: Ruslan Shaydulin: Quantum optimization of financial problems

  • 3:30PM-5PM: Panel discussion “Main research challenges in QC and OR” + open problems

Speakers and posters


  • Michael P. Friedlander, University of British Columbia: Large-scale convex optimization

  • Daniel Lidar, University of Southern California: Quantum adiabatic optimization

  • Ojas Parekh, Sandia National Laboratories: Quantum approximation algorithms

Research spotlight

  • Carleton Coffrin, Los Alamos National Laboratory: Lessons learned in 5 years of benchmarking quantum annealing hardware

  • Sarah Powers, Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Mapping the applicability of the QAOA algorithm to the OR landscape

  • Eleanor Rieffel, NASA AMES: Quantum, quantum-classical hybrid, and distributed quantum algorithms for problems in operations research

  • Ruslan Shaydulin, JP Morgan Chase: Quantum optimization of financial problems

  • Eugene Tang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: An overview of QAOA: applications and limitations of symmetry and locality

  • Tamas Terlaky, Lehigh University: On quantum interior point methods for linear and semidefinite optimization

  • Xiaodi Wu, University of Maryland: Quantum Hamiltonian descent

Presented posters

The Venue

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences

222 College Street
Toronto, Ontario

All activities will take place in Room 230 at the Fields Institute.
The workshop is in person. Online participants will be able to watch the lectures and talks. For more information about COVID-related restrictions, see here.

Travel information

The workshop is sponsored by the Fields Institute and the NSF.

Workshop organizers:

  • Merve Bodur (University of Toronto)

  • Swati Gupta (GeorgiaTech)

  • Sven Leyffer (Argonne National Lab)

  • Ashley Montanaro (University of Bristol)

  • Giacomo Nannicini (University of Southern California) -- chair

  • Jim Ostrowski (University of Tennessee Knoxville)

  • Luis Zuluaga (Lehigh University)