Quick Ways to Fix Qbdbmgrn Not Running On This Computer

Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer is an error faced while operating QuickBooks Database Server Manager. Many users have reported this error recently. This error causes multiple restrictions like blocking access to multi-user mode and issues opening the company file. With this blog we will see some causes, effects, and ways to deal with this error.

For additional information on this or any of the QuickBooks errors, contact the QuickBooks Professional Team at 855-526-5749.

What Causes Error with QuickBooks Database Server Manager?

It’s always a good idea to first comprehend the cause of an error. This approach can help you find the solution for any error. Some causes for this error are listed below:

1. Incorrect configuration of firewall or internet.

2. Wrong or corrupt installation of QuickBooks Database Server Manager.

3. Outdated database server manager.

4. Some third-party firewall software is blocking access to QuickBooks.

Effects of Qbdbmgrn Error on QuickBooks

You can see specific effects on your system while dealing with any error. Every error has some particular signs to look out for. Some symptoms associated with this error are:

1. Issues connecting to the internet.

2. Problems using QBW company file.

3. Difficulty working with multi-user mode.

4. The database server manager cannot be updated correctly.

Solutions For Qbdbmgrn not Running Error

Simple troubleshooting steps

Follow these steps given below to do basic troubleshooting:

1. Log out of QuickBooks Account.

2. Reboot the system.

3. Start QuickBooks and try to login into the account.

QuickBooks Is Installed on The Host Computer

In such a situation, follow the steps given below:

1) First, choose the open or restore option.

2) Select Open a Company.

3) Click Next.

4) Search the Company File.

5) Choose the Open File in the Multi-User Mode box and then click on open.

6) You are now signed into the company file and are now required to select the file.

7) Close the company file on the server.

Only Qbdbmgrn Is Installed on The Host Computer

In such a scenario, follow the steps given below:

First, click on the windows start tab.

Go to the control panel.

Click on admin tools and then on the services option.

Click on the correct database server manager.

Restart the computer, and steps are to be redone based on the setup.

Errors ‘Files in Use’ First

In some instances, ‘File in Use’ error may display. In this case, follow the procedure explained below:

Choose the ignore option in the system reboot menu.

Click on OK.

Click on OK if you don’t see an ignore option.

Restart the computer to end the process.


In this blog, we saw causes, effects, and solutions for the Qbdbmgrn error. Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer error can also be fixed by various other methods, including repairing QuickBooks Desktop, running the clean install tool, updating the firewall to fix this error, restarting QuickBooks Database Server Manager Service, and rebooting the system. For more information on this error, contact the QuickBooks Professional Team at 855-526-5749.