Local install of python modules

The PCs at the University of Plymouth do not allow students to install modules simply. However it is possible to install modules using virtual environments in python. As we the anaconda distribution at the University of Plymouth, the virtual environment from anaconda . See this tutorial for creating virtual environments. Note that it useful to know about virtual environments if you are planning on using many python libraries (for example in machine learning), because the requirements of many libraries interfere with each other.

These notes were written in February 2020.

Installing the visualization library

There are extensive graphics libraries for big data sets. See Pyviz with a set of good examples. These libraries are used in third year project.

Download one of the examples such as the one on the attractors. You need to unzip the file into a directory in the Download directory:

I have made a screen cast of the various steps required.

  • Open the Annonconda prompt
  • Use the cd command to change directory to the with the name attractor
  • conda env create --file anaconda-project.yml
  • conda activate attractors
  • jupyter-notebook

The juypter-notebook will bring a web browser with the python code in it.