Introduction to Python

Introduction to python

Here is a collection of information about learning python. Python is a big language particularly when you include the standard modules and libraries, such as numpy (uses for arrays). Personally I start learning a computer language by learning some of the basic syntax, such as how a loop works, because these are fundamental to mathematics . There are some good cheat sheets, which are very short pdf documents with an overview of the basic syntax of python.

If you are learning python then you first need to get familiar with the basic syntax of python. You need to be able to work with variables, if statements, loops (for), lists, how to print variables out and functions. See the tutorials in the introductory section.

After that you need to be able to able manipulate the numpy arrays, plot basic graphs and use some of the application libraries such as scipy.

Introductory python tutorials

Some free books on python

Tutorials on python modules and libraries for mathematics and science

Jupyter notebooks and cloud computing

Python resources

  • Main web page for SciPy

  • Main page for Matplot a good plotting package for python.

Resources for learning python available at University of Plymouth.

  • Jason and Raphael have some complete notes on python, They are on the DLE for MATH2605.

  • Students at the University of Plymouth can access the python courses at linkedin learning. See the DLE for MATH2605 for more details.