SyntaxError exceptions raised by the interpreter will now highlight thefull error range of the expression that constitutes the syntax error itself,instead of just where the problem is detected. In this way, instead of displaying(before Python 3.10):

Python versions earlier than Python 3.10 allowed using both ; and & asquery parameter separators in urllib.parse.parse_qs() andurllib.parse.parse_qsl(). Due to security concerns, and to conform withnewer W3C recommendations, this has been changed to allow only a singleseparator key, with & as the default. This change also affectscgi.parse() and cgi.parse_multipart() as they use the affectedfunctions internally. For more details, please see their respectivedocumentation.(Contributed by Adam Goldschmidt, Senthil Kumaran and Ken Jin in bpo-42967.)

Python 3.10 Download

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The threading debug (PYTHONTHREADDEBUG environment variable) isdeprecated in Python 3.10 and will be removed in Python 3.12. This featurerequires a debug build of Python.(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-44584.)

The limited C API is now supported if Python is built in debug mode (if the Py_DEBUG macro is defined). In the limited C API,the Py_INCREF() and Py_DECREF() functions are now implementedas opaque functioncalls, rather than accessing directly the PyObject.ob_refcntmember, if Python is built in debug mode and the Py_LIMITED_API macrotargets Python 3.10 or newer. It became possible to support the limited C APIin debug mode because the PyObject structure is the same in releaseand debug mode since Python 3.8 (see bpo-36465).

The non-limited API files odictobject.h, parser_interface.h,picklebufobject.h, pyarena.h, pyctype.h, pydebug.h,pyfpe.h, and pytime.h have been moved to the Include/cpythondirectory. These files must not be included directly, as they are alreadyincluded in Python.h; see Include Files. If they havebeen included directly, consider including Python.h instead.(Contributed by Nicholas Sim in bpo-35134.)

Remove PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer() from the limited C API headersand from python3.dll, the library that provides the stable ABI onWindows. Since the function takes a FILE* argument, its ABI stabilitycannot be guaranteed.(Contributed by Petr Viktorin in bpo-43868.)

bpo-44828: A change in the newly released macOS 12 Monterey caused file open and save windows in IDLE and other tkinter applications to be unusable. As of 2021-11-03, the macOS 64-bit universal2 installer file for this release was updated to include a fix in the third-party Tk library for this problem. All other files are unchanged from the original 3.10.0 installer. If you have already installed 3.10.0 from here and encounter this problem on macOS 12 Monterey, download and run the updated installer linked below.

3.10 will receive bugfix updates approximately every 2 months forapproximately 18 months. Some time after the release of 3.11.0 final,the 11th and final 3.10 bugfix update will be released. After that,it is expected that security updates (source only) will be releaseduntil 5 years after the release of 3.10 final, so until approximatelyOctober 2026.

Running a Jupyter Notebook inside of VS Code works with Python 3.9 but not with Python 3.10. I get the error message: Running cells with 'Python 3.10.0 64 bit' requires ipykernel installed or requires an update.

Summary: Python 3.10, which is due out in early October 2021, will include a large new language feature called structural pattern matching. This article is a critical but (hopefully) informative presentation of the feature, with examples based on real-world code.

At a recent local Python meetup, a friend was presenting some of the new features in Python 3.8 and 3.9, and afterwards we got to talking about the pattern matching feature coming in Python 3.10. I went on a mild rant about how I thought Python had lost the plot: first assignment expressions using :=, and now this rather sprawling feature.

Quite a few people are running make update then make and experiencing some error related to Python not being found. And like JJones experienced, the python directory in the libs folder appears to be missing some files/folders:

I have been having problems running PsychoPy with Python 3.10 on Arch Linux. I would like to get my lab machines updated as well as updating the Arch package. I am happy to debug and submit patches as I find bugs.

The Developer Install says to ensure you have Python 3.6 installed which is now past end of life. A couple of months ago there was a commit to the release branch suggesting support for Python 3.10. I just installed the head of the release branch and get no joy with Python 3.10.

Thanks for the update. I found this discussion/issue regarding metapensiero Using the unreleased head of the metapensiero git branch removes the macropy dependency and solves that issue. Still cannot get Psychopy running on Linux with Python 3.10. Need to sit down with some dedicated time and figure out where I am actually stuck so I can submit helpful patches that would help PsychoPy fail gracefully when packages are unavailable.

To deploy Lambda functions using Python 3.10, upload the code through the Lambda console and select the Python 3.10 runtime. You can also use the AWS CLI, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and AWS CloudFormation to deploy and manage serverless applications written in Python 3.10. Additionally, you can also use the AWS-provided Python 3.10 base image to build and deploy Python 3.10 functions using a container image. To migrate existing Lambda functions running earlier Python versions, review your code for compatibility with Python 3.10 and then update the function runtime to Python 3.10.

The Python 3.10 runtime is available in all Regions where Lambda is available, except for China and GovCloud Regions. Visit our product page for more information about AWS Lambda or sign in to the AWS Lambda console to get started.

AWS Lambda now supports Python 3.10 as both a managed runtime and container base image. With this release, Python developers can now take advantage of new features and improvements introduced in Python 3.10 when creating serverless applications on Lambda.

Enhancements in Python 3.10 include structural pattern matching, improved error messages, and performance enhancements. This post outlines some of the benefits of Python 3.10 and how to use this version in your Lambda functions.

Thanks to its simplicity, readability, and extensive community support, Python is a popular language for building serverless applications. The Python 3.10 release includes several new features, such as:

When a function is defined with annotations, these are stored in a dictionary that maps the parameter names to their respective annotations. In previous versions of Python, this dictionary was created immediately when the function was defined. However, in Python 3.10, this dictionary is created only when the annotations are accessed, which can happen when the function is called. By delaying the creation of the annotation dictionary until it is needed, Python can avoid the overhead of creating and initializing the dictionary during function definition. This can result in a significant reduction in CPU time, as the dictionary creation can be a time-consuming operation, particularly for functions with many parameters or complex annotations.

Lambda functions developed with Python that read and process Gzip compressed files can gain a performance improvement. Adding _BlocksOutputBuffer for the bz2/lzma/zlib module eliminated the overhead of resizing bz2/lzma buffers, preventing excessive memory footprint of the zlib buffer. According to Python 3.10 release notes, bz2 decompression is now 1.09x faster, lzma decompression 1.20x faster, and GzipFile read is 1.11x faster

To use the Python 3.10 runtime to develop your Lambda functions, specify a runtime parameter value Python 3.10 when creating or updating a function. Python 3.10 version is now available in the Runtime dropdown in the Create function page.

To update an existing Lambda function to Python 3.10, navigate to the function in the Lambda console, then choose Edit in the Runtime settings panel. The new version of Python is available in the Runtime dropdown:

You can build and deploy functions using Python 3.10 using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS SDK, AWS SAM, AWS CDK, or your choice of Infrastructure as Code (IaC). You can also use the Python 3.10 container base image if you prefer to build and deploy your functions using container images.

We are excited to bring Python 3.10 runtime support to Lambda and empower developers to build more efficient, powerful, and scalable serverless applications. Try Python 3.10 runtime in Lambda today and experience the benefits of this updated language version and take advantage of improved performance.

I uninstalled and reinstalled anaconda. I still am having problems. I have installed python 3.10 on my computer c:\py310 folder prior to the anaconda install. Anaconda is now referencing this folder for modules and there is no reference to the anaconda installation which is running python 3.9. none of the applications work when clicked on the start menu in windows. the folder for anaconda is f:\anaconda\kev. All of the documentation says that I can keep python 3.10 but I can not get anaconda to work any ideas?

I tried to clean everything and reinstall, both OpenSSL and Python 3.10.6. The installation instructions on both the Python website and in a different post on this forum do not specify any other settings or requirements.

Newly-installed Django and uwsgi apps will use Python 3.10 by default. If you have an existing app that you'd like to update to use the new version then you can do so by creating a new Python 3.10 virtualenv in your app directory and then install your project requirements into that, eg:

I've been using Wing Pro and Python 3.8.6 with no problems for a couple of years. However, I have recently installed Python 3.10.4 and it seems Wing is not working with this version of Python (I'm attaching the error stack here below). ff782bc1db

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