About Us

Parents are the key to a successful Parent-Teacher Organization. In the Spring of 2017, a call to give a helping hand to a struggling PTO was answered by several parents. After many meetings and sharing of ideas, a new PTO emerged. Leadership roles were assigned to numerous parents & teachers, and some rules and by-laws were created. Every day is still an evolving process, however, we will always welcome volunteers. This website was created in August of 2017 to help families with a few things.  

So, historically speaking, the 2017-2018 school year marked a big change, and the PTO continues to need more parents to step up and help us with our evolution.

As of 2021, we have become an official non-profit with the 501(c)(3) status.

The Platteville PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is a volunteer organization.  The PTO's mission is to support all of the students in the district in their efforts to reach higher levels of academic achievement.

1.  The PTO will engage in fundraising activities for the purpose of paying for student activities and buying classroom items that promote student achievement.

2.  The PTO will sponsor school-wide events that will enhance a positive school climate.  

3.  The PTO will facilitate public forums that will provide information to parents and caregivers that will help them encourage and support all of the children in the community.

4.  The PTO will be a place where issues that affect the school can be discussed.

We support our schools in many ways, like:

Executive Board Members District PTO 

Fall 2023 meeting times: 1st Wednesday at 6:45 PM

President: Don Francis

Vice President: Vikki Peterson

Secretary: Theresa Paulus

Treasurer: Andrew Paulus

Neal Wilkins Representative: Theresa Paulus 

Westview Representative: Amanda Wright 

Middle School Representative: Lydia Horne

Middle School PTO

Fall 2023 meeting times: 1st Wednesday at 6:00 PM

Find meeting agendas here.

Middle School Co-Representative: Lydia Horne

Treasurer: Wendy Stankovich

Teacher Representative: rotating basis

Westview Elementary PTO

Fall 2023 meeting times: 2nd Monday at 7 PM

Find meeting agendas here.

School Parent Representatives:  Amanda Wright

Treasurer: Charlye Jenkins

Secretary: Becky Doyle-Morin 

Teacher Representative: rotating basis

Neal Wilkins PTO

Fall 2023 meeting times: 1st Thursday at 6 PM

Find meeting agendas here.

School Parent Representative: Theresa Paulus

Treasurer: Andrew Paulus

4K Representative: TBD

4K Teacher Representative: Denise Johnson

Kindergarten Representative: TBD

Kindergarten Teacher Representative: TBD