This page contains a collection of small computer programs whichimplement one-player puzzle games. All of them run natively on Unix(GTK) and on Windows. They can also be played on the web, as Java orJavascript applets.2023-09-20: I'm sorry to say that I'm nolonger going to be able to build the MacOS version of these puzzles.My Mac was very old and had been struggling for a while; it's nowstopped working, and I don't intend to buy a new one. If someone elsewould like to volunteer to maintain the Mac front end code and providea downloadable application, I'll help them get started, and link totheir site once it's up and running. Sorry, Mac users. In themeantime, there's always the web version...I wrote this collection because I thought there should be more smalldesktop toys available: little games you can pop up in a window andplay for two or three minutes while you take a break from whateverelse you were doing. And I was also annoyed that every time I found agood game on (say) Unix, it wasn't available the next time I wassitting at a Windows machine, or vice versa; so I arranged thateverything in my personal puzzle collection will happily run on boththose platforms and more. When I find (or perhaps invent) furtherpuzzle games that I like, they'll be added to this collection and willimmediately be available on both platforms. And if anyone feels likewriting any other front ends for platforms I don't support (whichpeople already have) then all the games in this framework willimmediately become available on another platform as well.The gamesThe actual games in this collection were mostly not my invention;they are re-implementations of existing game concepts within myportable puzzle framework. I do not claim credit, in general, forinventing the rules of any of these puzzles. (I don't even claimauthorship of all the code; some of the puzzles below have beensubmitted by other authors.)Below each image are two links to versions of the puzzle you canpotentially play on the web. The 'js' link (and also the puzzle imageitself) links to a version based on JavaScript and WebAssembly. The'java' link is now probably obsolete: it links to a Java applet, whichmost browsers don't support any more.Also below each image is a link to the Windows binary for the game,and a link to the manual. For all other platforms, the games areprovided in a single bundle, so scroll down to theDownloadsection to get them all.Black Box[ java | js | manual ]

[ blackbox.exe ]Find the hidden balls in the box by bouncing laser beams off them.Bridges[ java | js | manual ]

[ bridges.exe ]Connect all the islands with a network of bridges.Cube[ java | js | manual ]

[ cube.exe ]Pick up all the blue squares by rolling the cube over them.Dominosa[ java | js | manual ]

[ dominosa.exe ]Tile the rectangle with a full set of dominoes.Fifteen[ java | js | manual ]

[ fifteen.exe ]Slide the tiles around to arrange them into order.Filling[ java | js | manual ]

[ filling.exe ]Mark every square with the area of its containing region.Flip[ java | js | manual ]

[ flip.exe ]Flip groups of squares to light them all up at once.Flood[ java | js | manual ]

[ flood.exe ]Turn the grid the same colour in as few flood fills as possible.Galaxies[ java | js | manual ]

[ galaxies.exe ]Divide the grid into rotationally symmetric regions each centred on a dot.Guess[ java | js | manual ]

[ guess.exe ]Guess the hidden combination of colours.Inertia[ java | js | manual ]

[ inertia.exe ]Collect all the gems without running into any of the mines.Keen[ java | js | manual ]

[ keen.exe ]Complete the latin square in accordance with the arithmetic clues.Light Up[ java | js | manual ]

[ lightup.exe ]Place bulbs to light up all the squares.Loopy[ java | js | manual ]

[ loopy.exe ]Draw a single closed loop, given clues about number of adjacent edges.Magnets[ java | js | manual ]

[ magnets.exe ]Place magnets to satisfy the clues and avoid like poles touching.Map[ java | js | manual ]

[ map.exe ]Colour the map so that adjacent regions are never the same colour.Mines[ java | js | manual ]

[ mines.exe ]Find all the mines without treading on any of them.Mosaic[ java | js | manual ]

[ mosaic.exe ]Fill in the grid given clues about number of nearby black squares.Net[ java | js | manual ]

[ netgame.exe ]Rotate each tile to reassemble the network.Netslide[ java | js | manual ]

[ netslide.exe ]Slide a row at a time to reassemble the network.Palisade[ java | js | manual ]

[ palisade.exe ]Divide the grid into equal-sized areas in accordance with the clues.Pattern[ java | js | manual ]

[ pattern.exe ]Fill in the pattern in the grid, given only the lengths of runs of black squares.Pearl[ java | js | manual ]

[ pearl.exe ]Draw a single closed loop, given clues about corner and straight squares.Pegs[ java | js | manual ]

[ pegs.exe ]Jump pegs over each other to remove all but one.Range[ java | js | manual ]

[ range.exe ]Place black squares to limit the visible distance from each numbered cell.Rectangles[ java | js | manual ]

[ rect.exe ]Divide the grid into rectangles with areas equal to the numbers.Same Game[ java | js | manual ]

[ samegame.exe ]Clear the grid by removing touching groups of the same colour squares.Signpost[ java | js | manual ]

[ signpost.exe ]Connect the squares into a path following the arrows.Singles[ java | js | manual ]

[ singles.exe ]Black out the right set of duplicate numbers.Sixteen[ java | js | manual ]

[ sixteen.exe ]Slide a row at a time to arrange the tiles into order.Slant[ java | js | manual ]

[ slant.exe ]Draw a maze of slanting lines that matches the clues.Solo[ java | js | manual ]

[ solo.exe ]Fill in the grid so that each row, column and square block contains one of every digit.Tents[ java | js | manual ]

[ tents.exe ]Place a tent next to each tree.Towers[ java | js | manual ]

[ towers.exe ]Complete the latin square of towers in accordance with the clues.Tracks[ java | js | manual ]

[ tracks.exe ]Fill in the railway track according to the clues.Twiddle[ java | js | manual ]

[ twiddle.exe ]Rotate the tiles around themselves to arrange them into order.Undead[ java | js | manual ]

[ undead.exe ]Place ghosts, vampires and zombies so that the right numbers of them can be seen in mirrors.Unequal[ java | js | manual ]

[ unequal.exe ]Complete the latin square in accordance with the > signs.Unruly[ java | js | manual ]

[ unruly.exe ]Fill in the black and white grid to avoid runs of three.Untangle[ java | js | manual ]

[ untangle.exe ]Reposition the points so that the lines do not cross.LicenceThis game collection is copyright 2004-2021 Simon Tatham (portionscopyright Richard Boulton, James Harvey, Mike Pinna, JonasKlker, Dariusz Olszewski, Michael Schierl, Lambros Lambrou,Bernd Schmidt, Steffen Bauer, Lennard Sprong, Rogier Goossens, MichaelQuevillon, Asher Gordon and Didi Kohen). It is all distributed undertheMIT licence.This means that you can do pretty much anything you like with thegame binaries or the code, except pretending you wrote themyourself, or suing me if anything goes wrong.DownloadHere are Windows executables of the puzzle games in thecollection. (On Windows only, the Net executable is called"netgame.exe" in order to avoid clashing with Windows'sown "net.exe". The name of the game is still"Net" :-)blackbox.exe | bridges.exe | cube.exe | dominosa.exe | fifteen.exe

filling.exe | flip.exe | flood.exe | galaxies.exe | guess.exe

inertia.exe | keen.exe | lightup.exe | loopy.exe | magnets.exe

map.exe | mines.exe | mosaic.exe | netgame.exe | netslide.exe

palisade.exe | pattern.exe | pearl.exe | pegs.exe | range.exe

rect.exe | samegame.exe | signpost.exe | singles.exe | sixteen.exe

slant.exe | solo.exe | tents.exe | towers.exe | tracks.exe

twiddle.exe | undead.exe | unequal.exe | unruly.exe | untangle.exeHere is a Windows help file. If you install this in thesame directory as the executable files, then each game shoulddisplay a "Help" menu giving help about the game collection ingeneral and that game in particular. You can also browse the samedocumentation online in HTML format.puzzles.chmHere is a .zip file containing all of the aboveWindows binaries and the help file.puzzles.zipHere is a Windows MSI installer.puzzles-version-installer.msi(This MSI installer is unfortunately not inter-compatible with theold Windows executable installer package I used to provide here, so ifyou still have the old one installed, you'll have to uninstall itbefore installing the MSI version. Sorry about that.)Here is a source archive of the collection, which should allowyou to compile the games on any Unix system supporting GTK. (Atleast, I hope so; I've only tested it on Linux so far, and Iwouldn't rule out portability issues on other types of Unix.)puzzles-version.tar.gzSome people have ported this puzzle collection to various mobiledevices. Here are some links to their port pages:Port tothe Palm, by James Harvey.Port toGoogle Android, by Chris Boyle.Port to SymbianS60, by Tiago Donizio.Port to iPhone and iPad, byGreg Hewgill.Port to Windows Store, byLennard Sprong.Port toRockbox, by Franklin Wei.(Note that these are third-party ports, not maintained by me. If youhave trouble with one of these, you should probably follow the linkto the appropriate maintainer's page and contact them about theproblem in the first instance.)Here's the last version of the MacOS puzzles, in the form of a diskimage, containing a single monolithic application called "Puzzles".You should be able to download and open the disk image, then drag thePuzzles application to wherever you feel like keeping it; it should beentirely self-contained. However, this is not beingupdated, because my Mac build machine doesn't work any more.Puzzles.dmg, as of 2023-09-20DevelopmentAll of these puzzles are written in C, with a porting interface sothat the same back-end puzzle code can talk to wildly differentgraphical front ends. The source archive above includes native GUIfront ends for Windows and Mac OS X, an X front end using theGTK+library, and a mixed C/Java front end for compiling the puzzles intoJava applets usingNestedVM.There is extensive developer documentationdescribing the cross-platform interfaces. If you want to write a newpuzzle or a new front end (to make all these games run on anotherplatform), this is probably the place to start.If you want to see the latest state of development, you can checkthe development sources out from my git repository:git clone , you can browse the repository on the web,here.

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